Обсуждение: Re: Postgresql and Postmaster response


Re: Postgresql and Postmaster response

Yves Dorfsman
Sean <salphonse1@home.com> wrote:

> I am using PostgreSQL version 7.0.2 with RedHat 6.1. When I start up the
> postmaster at the prompt, I get the following response and the session hangs
> and doesn't return to the prompt but I am able to use my databases and
> PostgreSQL. Is this normal or correct? If not, what should I do to fix this
> problem?

Your session hasn't hung. Basically you are running a server in the
foreground. You really want to run it in the background, so add an '&'
(ampersand) at the end of your line and the server will be sent to the
background. Ideally you want to nohup it too. From the man page:

       To start postmaster using default values, type:

       % nohup postmaster >logfile 2>&1 &

       This command will start up postmaster on the default  port
       (5432).  This is the simplest and most common way to start
       the postmaster.

By the way, since you are running on Linux, did you install postgreSQL
from a package ? If yes, there probably is a postgres file in /etc/init.d,
or /etc/rc something (not sure what it is on redhat, /etc/rc.d/init.d ??).

Check it, than the best way to sopt/start your server would be:
/etc/..../postgres stop
/etc/..../postgres start

Yves Dorfsman                                        dorfsmay@cuug.ab.ca

Re: Re: Postgresql and Postmaster response

Jesus Aneiros
On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Yves Dorfsman wrote:

> By the way, since you are running on Linux, did you install postgreSQL
> from a package ? If yes, there probably is a postgres file in /etc/init.d,
> or /etc/rc something (not sure what it is on redhat, /etc/rc.d/init.d ??).
