Обсуждение: Re: cursor problem


Re: cursor problem


As I never had response to this tips I stay in a count(*) before execute
the statement. I have done a well working SQL Select Perl function to
do all the stuff. I have not test it on a very large database, but I think
not very speed. If you want I can post it to the list.

Hope this help.


Mike Kendall wrote:

> Hi,
> found this post at
> http://www.postgresql.org/mhonarc/pgsql-general/2000-06/msg00782.html
> I have been asking myself the same question and wondered if you ever
> solved
> the problem
> Thanks,
> Mike
> CURSOR problem
>      From: Gilles DAROLD <gilles@darold.net>
>      To: "pgsql-general@postgresql.org" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
>      Subject: CURSOR problem
>      Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 21:17:10 +0200
> Hi,
> I'm happy to be back to this channel and I want to thanks all of you who
> are making
> PostgreSQL a so 'beautifull' database. Time's going and I just have
> rigth now a silly
> question :
> I have a cursor in a transaction and it works very well. In my perl
> program I need
> to do pagination. I can travel from page to page with MOVE and FETCH but
> that
> what I need is to report the number of page so I need to get the number
> of row.
> I have tried the method rows() with DBI and it just return the count of
> the current
> fetch of course. Should I have to do a count() before or is there's an
> other way to
> do that ?
> Thanks for help
> Regards,
> There is a big problem with searching into the mailing list :
> I've just tape some words and it give me this error message :
> ERROR: Attribute 'last_mod_time' not found