Обсуждение: Install on Windows 2000


Install on Windows 2000

"Christopher M. Jones"
I've been trying to install PostreSQL on my Windows 2000 box
and so far I haven't had any luck.  Basically, I'm trying to
get some server shtuff running so I can do some testing etc.
(IOW, this is just temporary until I have the money to buy
a separate box that I can slap linux on).

I downloaded the Win NT / 2k binaries and my main problem is
that the info from the help docs does not match anything I have
here.  I tried to see if I could build from the source but
either nmake or VC++ didn't like that much and I don't feel
like going to the trouble of troubleshooting that whole blob of
goo.  There _is_ a binary distribution, I downloaded it, it
should be possible to install it somehow.  I would think that
I was dense except for the fact that I have been able to
install Apache, ActivePerl, PHP, and MySQL on this system
without too much fuss.

I would really like to try out PostgresQL so if anybody could
help me I would be greatly appreciative.