Обсуждение: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?


How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Frank Joerdens
If this question is answered in some FAQ, I'd be happy just for some
pointer. If not, what I'd like to know is this: Since I will be using
PostgreSQL (because it's the database I know best and because I like it
;)) for a content management type app where I need TOAST, I am wondering
whether this mechanism is actually something really advanced and neat
(this is what I'd assume) or if it is a not-so-elegant, rather involved
construction to get around a legacy limitation? To put it another way:
Can I go around bragging to my SQL-minded friends about using this
really cool thing that no other database has, or should I keep my mouth
shut because it's actually not so cool? How do the MySQL people do it
(there's a pretty instructive comparison of MySQL and PostgreSQL at
http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/tim20000705.php3 in the context of
both databases' suitability as a web site backend which mentions the 8k
barrier as one of the bigger minuses of PostgreSQL - it's a head-to-head
race in this comparison by the way, which makes it particularly
interesting)?  What's Oracle's answer to oversized attributes (or other
advanced DBMS's, like Sybase, Informix et al)?

Thanks, Frank

frank joerdens

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Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Tom Lane
Frank Joerdens <frank@joerdens.de> writes:
> Can I go around bragging to my SQL-minded friends about using this
> really cool thing that no other database has, or should I keep my mouth
> shut because it's actually not so cool?

IMHO it's pretty cool.  You get the benefits of BLOB storage without
having to deal with weird declarations or access methods.  I have no
idea whether any other databases do it the same way, but simply removing
the limit on physical tuple length wouldn't have been as nice.  See,
with a toasted column, you don't pay to suck the contents of the column
into memory when you read the row for a query that doesn't actually touch
that column.  So, for example, you might have a table declared like

        (key1 text,
         moddate timestamp,
         big_horking_data text);

and you can do things like

    SELECT big_horking_data FROM foo
    WHERE key1 = 'bar' AND moddate > 'yesterday';

Here the table is essentially acting as an index for the BLOB storage:
the system won't bother to fetch the BLOB values for the rows that
fail the WHERE check.  You can't do that without lots of cruft in any
non-TOAST-like scheme, AFAICS.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Jan Wieck
Tom Lane wrote:
> Frank Joerdens <frank@joerdens.de> writes:
> > Can I go around bragging to my SQL-minded friends about using this
> > really cool thing that no other database has, or should I keep my mouth
> > shut because it's actually not so cool?
> IMHO it's pretty cool.  You get the benefits of BLOB storage without
> having to deal with weird declarations or access methods.  I have no
> idea whether any other databases do it the same way, but simply removing
> the limit on physical tuple length wouldn't have been as nice.  See,
> with a toasted column, you don't pay to suck the contents of the column
> into memory when you read the row for a query that doesn't actually touch
> that column.  So, for example, you might have a table declared like
>         (key1 text,
>          moddate timestamp,
>          big_horking_data text);
> [...]

    And   it   also   helps  to  avoid  tables,  containing  such
    big_horking_data items, to grow as fast as they would  before
    7.1. In the case

        CREATE TABLE customer_call (
            cc_callid           serial primary key,
            cc_custid           integer foreign key ...,
            cc_priority         integer,
            cc_calltime         timestamp,
            cc_callclosed       timestamp,
            cc_huge_description text

        UPDATE customer_call
            SET cc_callclosed = now()
            WHERE cc_callid = 5432;

    the  cc_huge_description  isn't  touched. Now think about the
    way the non-overwriting storage manager in PostgreSQL  works.
    Normally  it  would  store a completely new tuple, containing
    the description again and VACUUM needs to move alot  of  data
    to  condense  the  table again. TOAST will reuse the previous
    toasted value and NOT outdate it, but put  another  reference
    to  it  into  the  new  tuple.  This will avoid alot of write
    access to the disks and speedup VACUUM. Also, the UPDATE will
    never  even  read  these items, so the update itself is (like
    Tom's SELECT sample) working on a small table.

    All in all it is a very good solution for  the  very  special
    problems  we  have in PostgreSQL. It might not compare in any
    way to what  other  databases  do,  but  the  non-overwriting
    technology  bought  us  MVCC  to  be  relatively easy. Now it
    lowers the cost of having it.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Frank Joerdens
> > idea whether any other databases do it the same way, but simply removing
> > the limit on physical tuple length wouldn't have been as nice.

Yes, that makes it a lot clearer. This is more or less what I'd been wondering, without
really noticing: Why not just remove the limit on physical tuple length? Because the
description of TOAST's inner workings seemed so convoluted (what with compression
etcetera) that it appeared as either a great, strained effort to remove a "deep, hardwired
limitation" (someone's statement regarding the 8K barrier) or something that someone had
thought long and hard about to make particularly cool.

>     All in all it is a very good solution for  the  very  special
>     problems  we  have in PostgreSQL. It might not compare in any
>     way to what  other  databases  do,  but  the  non-overwriting
>     technology  bought  us  MVCC  to  be  relatively easy. Now it
>     lowers the cost of having it.

I am more than satisfied with both your explanations, thanks. I was afraid I might have to
switch to MySQL (the horror! the horror!), also because of a piece of information from
another recent thread:

> >> For more than 10,000 BLOBs, the database was a clear winner.
> >> That is, it took less time to locate and read an 8k-16k BLOB
> >> from the MySQL database than from the local disk.  For smaller
> >> numbers of BLOBs, the filesystem was faster.
> This is undoubtedly right for existing Postgres releases, because
> currently PG stores each BLOB as an independent table --- and just to
> add insult to injury, creates an index for it :-(.  So you actually have
> *two* added files in the DB directory per BLOB.  Needless to say, this
> does not scale real well to large numbers of BLOBs.

. . . Tom goes on to say that TOAST is a solution to most of these issues whilst a better
BLOB implementation is waiting in the wings (scheduled for 7.1 also) which will provide a
more natural solution to some problems - an issue which is also touched upon by Jan in

> >     TOAST  is  finished  and will be shipped with 7.1. It's not a
> >     solution for huge items, but medium sized  text  up  to  some
> >     hundred K works fine.
> What do you mean by "..not a solution for huge items"? Does TOAST have a size limit?

. . . Jan goes on to explain that TOAST does not have an explicit size limit and why it is
still less than optimal for really big items.

Which leads to another question in the context of my little content management app: Part
of it is composed of smaller and larger texts, for which TOAST will be great, because I
can still search them, they're not opaque for a, for instance, LIKE query parameter in a
SELECT statement (right?), like BLOBs, if I want to search for texts that contain
particular words or statements (this will probably be slow if the texts are big and a lot
of them are included in the query). But I also have images, most of which will _probably_
not exceed a few hundred K. At which point do I cross the line where TOAST becomes silly
and BLOBs are The Way?

Regards, Frank

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Tom Lane
Frank Joerdens <frank@joerdens.de> writes:
> another recent thread:

>>>>> For more than 10,000 BLOBs, the database was a clear winner.
>>>>> That is, it took less time to locate and read an 8k-16k BLOB
>>>>> from the MySQL database than from the local disk.  For smaller
>>>>> numbers of BLOBs, the filesystem was faster.
>> This is undoubtedly right for existing Postgres releases, because
>> currently PG stores each BLOB as an independent table --- and just to
>> add insult to injury, creates an index for it :-(.  So you actually have
>> *two* added files in the DB directory per BLOB.  Needless to say, this
>> does not scale real well to large numbers of BLOBs.

> . . . Tom goes on to say that TOAST is a solution to most of these
> issues whilst a better BLOB implementation is waiting in the wings
> (scheduled for 7.1 also)

BTW, just in case I wasn't being perfectly clear: TOAST doesn't depend
on the existing table-per-BLOB implementation of "large objects".
All TOAST-created BLOBs are stored in auxiliary tables, where there is
one auxiliary table per normal table that contains TOASTable columns.
So TOAST shouldn't create problems with directory bloat, even if we
don't get around to fixing the large-object problem for 7.1.  (I still
hope to check over and commit Denis Perchine's proposed fix for LOs,

> Which leads to another question in the context of my little content
> management app: Part of it is composed of smaller and larger texts,
> for which TOAST will be great, because I can still search them,
> they're not opaque for a, for instance, LIKE query parameter in a
> SELECT statement (right?), like BLOBs, if I want to search for texts
> that contain particular words or statements (this will probably be
> slow if the texts are big and a lot of them are included in the
> query). But I also have images, most of which will _probably_ not
> exceed a few hundred K. At which point do I cross the line where TOAST
> becomes silly and BLOBs are The Way?

Good question.  The answer probably depends on operational experience
that we don't have yet (in other words, please try it both ways and
report back ;-)).  However, I'd venture the following observation:
using special BLOB syntax makes the most sense if you either need to
access sub-sections of a BLOB (because your BLOB is so big you really
don't want to fetch/store it as a unit) or need to link to the same
physical BLOB from multiple rows (again, this is only critical for
really big BLOBs).  It doesn't sound like either of these issues
applies to your problem.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Philip Warner
At 00:21 9/10/00 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> But I also have images, most of which will _probably_ not
>> exceed a few hundred K. At which point do I cross the line where TOAST
>Good question.  The answer probably depends on operational experience
>that we don't have yet (in other words, please try it both ways and
>report back ;-)).

In the case of images, is there a way to tell TOAST not to bother even
trying to compress the data? (eg. JPEG files). If so, would I be right in
assuming that this would be better for fast retrieval (even for text
files)? Or is this anothet case where we need to test - ie. CPU Vs. IO

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Tom Lane
Philip Warner <pjw@rhyme.com.au> writes:
> In the case of images, is there a way to tell TOAST not to bother even
> trying to compress the data? (eg. JPEG files). If so, would I be right in
> assuming that this would be better for fast retrieval (even for text
> files)?

TOAST will not store a compressed value unless the compressed value is
smaller than the uncompressed by some reasonable amount (which looks to
be 20% by default).  I'd expect JPEG-like data always to fail the
compression ratio check.  So there's no significant CPU cost at read
time, but there's some cost at write time to try to do the compression.

There is a provision to discourage the toaster from even trying to
compress a particular column --- see the attstorage column in
pg_attribute.  At the moment there's no user interface for that :-(
so you'd have to reach in with a manual "UPDATE pg_attribute" to
change it from the default value.  Someone should work on adding an
ALTER command to change it in a more user-friendly fashion.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

"Adam Lang"
Is all the info on using toast  on the postgresql site, or is it somewhere

Also, I'm assuming it is good for more than just test, correct?

Adam Lang
Systems Engineer
Rutgers Casualty Insurance Company
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
To: "Frank Joerdens" <frank@joerdens.de>
Cc: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] How does TOAST compare to other databases'

> Frank Joerdens <frank@joerdens.de> writes:
> > Can I go around bragging to my SQL-minded friends about using this
> > really cool thing that no other database has, or should I keep my mouth
> > shut because it's actually not so cool?
> IMHO it's pretty cool.  You get the benefits of BLOB storage without
> having to deal with weird declarations or access methods.  I have no
> idea whether any other databases do it the same way, but simply removing
> the limit on physical tuple length wouldn't have been as nice.  See,
> with a toasted column, you don't pay to suck the contents of the column
> into memory when you read the row for a query that doesn't actually touch
> that column.  So, for example, you might have a table declared like
> (key1 text,
> moddate timestamp,
> big_horking_data text);
> and you can do things like
> SELECT big_horking_data FROM foo
> WHERE key1 = 'bar' AND moddate > 'yesterday';
> Here the table is essentially acting as an index for the BLOB storage:
> the system won't bother to fetch the BLOB values for the rows that
> fail the WHERE check.  You can't do that without lots of cruft in any
> non-TOAST-like scheme, AFAICS.
> regards, tom lane

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Bruce Momjian
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > Frank Joerdens <frank@joerdens.de> writes:
> > > Can I go around bragging to my SQL-minded friends about using this
> > > really cool thing that no other database has, or should I keep my mouth
> > > shut because it's actually not so cool?
> >
> > IMHO it's pretty cool.  You get the benefits of BLOB storage without
> > having to deal with weird declarations or access methods.  I have no
> > idea whether any other databases do it the same way, but simply removing
> > the limit on physical tuple length wouldn't have been as nice.  See,
> > with a toasted column, you don't pay to suck the contents of the column
> > into memory when you read the row for a query that doesn't actually touch
> > that column.  So, for example, you might have a table declared like

I think TOAST is a classic case of the Internet group coming up with a
better solution than any company could.  No one had all the ideas of
TOAST, but together, we came up with a solution that has all the
advantages and no downside.  The long values stay out of the main table,
and use the existing database indexing structure to access them when needed.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Bruce Momjian
> Philip Warner <pjw@rhyme.com.au> writes:
> > In the case of images, is there a way to tell TOAST not to bother even
> > trying to compress the data? (eg. JPEG files). If so, would I be right in
> > assuming that this would be better for fast retrieval (even for text
> > files)?
> TOAST will not store a compressed value unless the compressed value is
> smaller than the uncompressed by some reasonable amount (which looks to
> be 20% by default).  I'd expect JPEG-like data always to fail the

Yea, I know, I have never heard of JPEG either, but Tom Lane is Mr.
Internet JPEG, so humor him.  :-)

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Bruce Momjian
[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
> Is all the info on using toast  on the postgresql site, or is it somewhere
> else?
> Also, I'm assuming it is good for more than just test, correct?

We are keeping TOAST quiet until beta beings.  Of course, this has
already made it to the general list, so I guess that idea didn't work.  :-)

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Philip Warner
At 10:12 9/10/00 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>There is a provision to discourage the toaster from even trying to
>compress a particular column --- see the attstorage column in
>pg_attribute.  At the moment there's no user interface for that :-(
>so you'd have to reach in with a manual "UPDATE pg_attribute" to
>change it from the default value.  Someone should work on adding an
>ALTER command to change it in a more user-friendly fashion.

If I wanted to do this, how long do you think it would take (given that I
have not done anything similar so far)?

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |----/       -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)          |          /(@)   ______---_
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Fax: (+61) 0500 83 82 82         |                 ___________ |
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and from pgp5.ai.mit.edu:11371   |/

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Tom Lane
Philip Warner <pjw@rhyme.com.au> writes:
> At 10:12 9/10/00 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> pg_attribute.  At the moment there's no user interface for that :-(
>> so you'd have to reach in with a manual "UPDATE pg_attribute" to
>> change it from the default value.  Someone should work on adding an
>> ALTER command to change it in a more user-friendly fashion.

> If I wanted to do this, how long do you think it would take (given that I
> have not done anything similar so far)?

Hard to say.  Do you know anything about yacc grammars?  You'd have
to add a production to gram.y to define the syntax, probably extend
the existing AlterStmt data structure (which implies touching support
code in backend/nodes), and then add some execution code that checks
for a valid command (ie, that the data column type is toastable) and
finally applies the pg_attribute change.  All told it might be a couple
hundred lines of new or changed code.  Pretty much all of this could
be done by cribbing from existing code (ie. programming-by-example)
which is a good thing because there's not much documentation.

Someone who already knew what they were doing could do it in an hour
or two.  Not sure how much learning time you'd need to figure on top
of that.  But if you're interested in learning to hack the backend,
this seems like a pretty reasonable first project.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Philip Warner
At 20:42 13/10/00 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>Philip Warner <pjw@rhyme.com.au> writes:
>> At 10:12 9/10/00 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> Someone should work on adding an
>>> ALTER command to change it in a more user-friendly fashion.
>> If I wanted to do this, how long do you think it would take (given that I
>> have not done anything similar so far)?
>Hard to say.  Do you know anything about yacc grammars?

I added a 'get statistics' statement to plpgsql a while back, but I don't
think it made it into CVS. So yes, I have at least seen yacc before.

> You'd have
>to add a production to gram.y to define the syntax, probably extend
>the existing AlterStmt data structure (which implies touching support
>code in backend/nodes), and then add some execution code that checks
>for a valid command (ie, that the data column type is toastable)

This sounds fine, but begs the question: if there is TOASTed data in the
table and the column is set to 'not TOASTed', will TOAST cope? And vice verca?

>finally applies the pg_attribute change.

This sounds cloneable.

>All told it might be a couple
>hundred lines of new or changed code.  Pretty much all of this could
>be done by cribbing from existing code (ie. programming-by-example)
>which is a good thing because there's not much documentation.

So it might be worh documenting, too...

>Someone who already knew what they were doing could do it in an hour
>or two.  Not sure how much learning time you'd need to figure on top
>of that.  But if you're interested in learning to hack the backend,
>this seems like a pretty reasonable first project.

Sounds good to me; if I can't get it into the beta, then it's no real
problem I guess. Main constraint will be my real work, which is fairly
intense at the moment.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |----/       -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)          |          /(@)   ______---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81         |                 _________  \
Fax: (+61) 0500 83 82 82         |                 ___________ |
Http://www.rhyme.com.au          |                /           \|
                                 |    --________--
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from pgp5.ai.mit.edu:11371   |/

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Tom Lane
> This sounds fine, but begs the question: if there is TOASTed data in the
> table and the column is set to 'not TOASTed', will TOAST cope? And vice verca?

Yes; the detoasting mechanism doesn't pay any attention to attstorage,
only to what's actually in the stored tuple.  attstorage is only
examined while storing a tuple, and it's really only advisory anyway
(see tuptoaster.c).  The only "must" involved here is that you must not
set attstorage to anything but 'p' for a non-toastable data type; which
you determine by checking the type's pg_type entry (typstorage != 'p'
means toastable).

>> All told it might be a couple
>> hundred lines of new or changed code.  Pretty much all of this could
>> be done by cribbing from existing code (ie. programming-by-example)
>> which is a good thing because there's not much documentation.

> So it might be worh documenting, too...

Yes, if you wanted to keep notes and work them up into documentation
for future hackers, that'd be a nice side benefit.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

Jan Wieck
Philip Warner wrote:
> At 20:42 13/10/00 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> >Philip Warner <pjw@rhyme.com.au> writes:
> >> At 10:12 9/10/00 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> >>> Someone should work on adding an
> >>> ALTER command to change it in a more user-friendly fashion.
> >
> >> If I wanted to do this, how long do you think it would take (given that I
> >> have not done anything similar so far)?
> >
> >Hard to say.  Do you know anything about yacc grammars?
> I added a 'get statistics' statement to plpgsql a while back, but I don't
> think it made it into CVS. So yes, I have at least seen yacc before.

    You named it GET DIAGNOSTICS ...

    Took  a  while, but it is in the current tree for a couple of
    weeks now.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #