Обсуждение: Inherited tables, indexes and serials.


Inherited tables, indexes and serials.

Hi all.

When I create a table that inherits a serial field from another, the unique
index is created and used for parent but not for child. OTOH, serial can be
used by both tables. So, child desn't check by default for unique values.

My problem with that is conceptual. Is it normal? Do I must create index for
child? Where is then transparency of object orientedness?.

Greets. Excuse my poor english.


Re: Inherited tables, indexes and serials.

Nico D
Tuesday, October 17, 2000, 1:53:56 PM, DaVinci wrote:
D> When I create a table that inherits a serial field from another, the unique
D> index is created and used for parent but not for child. OTOH, serial can be
D> used by both tables. So, child desn't check by default for unique values.

D> My problem with that is conceptual. Is it normal? Do I must create index for
D> child? Where is then transparency of object orientedness?.

Yeah, I had this problem and I find it a little serious limit to
OO functionality. I hope the great PG will overcome this limit in
a future version, I hope it's doesn't lead to unpleasant
and hard-to-work side effects.
I don't know if it is really important to others, but I think that the
importance of RI-constraints and of features in
*tree-structured* data is not to be undervaluated.

Best regards

The World Is Flat? Wrong! ;)

On Friday, October 13, 2000, 6:36:25 PM, Stephan Szabo wrote:

SS> RI constraints do not follow inheritance trees at this time.
SS> The constraint is looking for rows in objects (not objects*) for
SS> the matching pk value.  There really isn't a work around I can think
SS> of at this time.

SS> Stephan Szabo
SS> sszabo@bigpanda.com

SS> On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Nico D wrote:

>> Please let me know what I've missed about the referential
>> integrity ?
>> (using PG v.7.0.2)
>> test=> create table objects (id serial);
>> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 'objects_id_seq' for SERIAL column 'objects.id'
>> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/UNIQUE will create implicit index 'objects_id_key' for table 'objects'
>> test=> create table books (title name) inherits(objects);
>> test=> create table opinions (idobject int4 REFERENCES objects(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, comment text);
>> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
>> NOTICE:  _outNode: don't know how to print type 726
>> test=> insert into books (title) values ('DataBases');
>> INSERT 691707 1
>> test=> select * from objects*;
>>  id
>> ----
>>   1
>> (1 row)
>> test=> select * from books;
>>  id |   title
>> ----+-----------
>>   1 | DataBases
>> (1 row)
>> test=> insert into opinions (idobject, comment) values (1, 'Very Wise');
>> ERROR:  <unnamed> referential integrity violation - key referenced from opinions not found in objects
>> test=>