Обсуждение: duplicate key ? (fwd)


duplicate key ? (fwd)

Sungchul Park
I didn't get any answer about my question posted yesterday.
please share your knowledge and wisdom with me, a poor s/w engineer.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 21:30:27 +0900 (KST)
From: Sungchul Park <scpark@gen128.com>
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: [GENERAL] duplicate key ?

Please check following...

Fo2Me=# drop table dirinfo;
Fo2Me=# CREATE TABLE dirinfo(
Fo2Me(#         code            VARCHAR(8) PRIMARY KEY,
Fo2Me(#         level           SMALLINT NOT NULL,
Fo2Me(#         name            TEXT NOT NULL,
Fo2Me(#         count           SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
Fo2Me(# );
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'dirinfo_pkey'
for table 'dirinfo'
Fo2Me=# INSERT INTO dirinfo (code, level, name) VALUES('hbcol', 1, 'abc');
INSERT 63411 1
Fo2Me=# INSERT INTO dirinfo (code, level, name) VALUES('hbcrf', 1, 'zzz');
ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index dirinfo_pkey

I couldn't understand this error message. What's wrong?

The version of postgresql is 7.0.2 and the database created with EUC_KR encoding.

Park, Sungchul / mailto:scpark@gen128.com
gen128, inc. - The internet company powered by open source.
http://www.gen128.com / Voice : +82-2-3017-0128 / Fax : +82-2-3017-1128
238-9 poi kangnam, #601 poongjoen bldg., Seoul 135-250, Republic of Korea

Re: duplicate key ? (fwd)

> Fo2Me=# drop table dirinfo;
> Fo2Me=# CREATE TABLE dirinfo(
> Fo2Me(# code VARCHAR(8) PRIMARY KEY,
> Fo2Me(# level SMALLINT NOT NULL,
> Fo2Me(# name TEXT NOT NULL,
> Fo2Me(# );
> NOTICE:   CREATE   TABLE/PRIMARY   KEY   will   create   implicit   index
> 'dirinfo_pkey'
> for table 'dirinfo'
> Fo2Me=#  INSERT  INTO  dirinfo  (code, level,  name)  VALUES('hbcol',  1,
> 'abc');
> INSERT 63411 1
> Fo2Me=#  INSERT  INTO  dirinfo  (code, level,  name)  VALUES('hbcrf',  1,
> 'zzz');
> ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index dirinfo_pkey
> The version of  postgresql is 7.0.2 and the database  created with EUC_KR

 And  that's strange.  I'm not  sure about  encodings, never  used them....
Probably you should  use another datatype to textual  attributes? It's very
likely that  when you're  trying to  enter 'hbcol',  an escape  sequence is
entered  (2  bytes), and  then  each  ASCII  char  also takes  two  octets.
Hmmmm.... So, it's truncated? If so, then with the first insert only escape
sequence and 'hbc'  is inserted and this causes duplication  for the second
 Just  a wild  speculation.  Someone  with more  experience  would be  more


 contaminated fish and microchips
  huge supertankers on Arabian trips
 oily propaganda from the leaders' lips
  all about the future
 there's people over here, people over there
  everybody's looking for a little more air
 crossing all the borders just to take their share
  planning for the future

 Rainbow, Difficult to Cure

Re: duplicate key ? (fwd)

Sungchul Park
Thank you for your answer.

>  And  that's strange.  I'm not  sure about  encodings, never  used them....
According to my last test.  It seems not to be a solution changing encoding of
database. I've created new test database with SQL_ASCII encoding and got same

> Probably you should  use another datatype to textual  attributes?
Same. I've tried CHAR and TEXT. It didn't solve my problem.

> It's very likely that  when you're  trying to  enter 'hbcol',  an escape
> sequence is
> entered  (2  bytes), and  then  each  ASCII  char  also takes  two  octets.
> Hmmmm.... So, it's truncated? If so, then with the first insert only escape
> sequence and 'hbc'  is inserted and this causes duplication  for the second
> insert?

I don't think so. I've tried to insert other code 'hbcog'. It caused no error.

>  Just  a wild  speculation.  Someone  with more  experience  would be  more
> helpfull.

thanks again.

Park, Sungchul / mailto:scpark@gen128.com
gen128, inc. - The internet company powered by open source.
http://www.gen128.com / Voice : +82-2-3017-0128 / Fax : +82-2-3017-1128
238-9 poi kangnam, #601 poongjoen bldg., Seoul 135-250, Republic of Korea

Re: duplicate key ? (fwd)

> According  to my  last  test. It  seems  not to  be  a solution  changing
> encoding of
> database. I've created new test  database with SQL_ASCII encoding and got
> same
> result.

 Very strange.... Works OK here on 7.0.0, database created with no explicit
encoding. Actually, what  I don't really like about the  table is that attr
named `count.' It's the name of an aggregate.
 Have you tried enabling full logging and monitoring what's going on?


 contaminated fish and microchips
  huge supertankers on Arabian trips
 oily propaganda from the leaders' lips
  all about the future
 there's people over here, people over there
  everybody's looking for a little more air
 crossing all the borders just to take their share
  planning for the future

 Rainbow, Difficult to Cure

Re: duplicate key ? (fwd)

Tom Lane
Sungchul Park <scpark@gen128.com> writes:
> Fo2Me=# CREATE TABLE dirinfo(
> Fo2Me(#         code            VARCHAR(8) PRIMARY KEY,
> Fo2Me(#         level           SMALLINT NOT NULL,
> Fo2Me(#         name            TEXT NOT NULL,
> Fo2Me(#         count           SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
> Fo2Me(# );
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'dirinfo_pkey'
> for table 'dirinfo'
> Fo2Me=# INSERT INTO dirinfo (code, level, name) VALUES('hbcol', 1, 'abc');
> INSERT 63411 1
> Fo2Me=# INSERT INTO dirinfo (code, level, name) VALUES('hbcrf', 1, 'zzz');
> ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index dirinfo_pkey

> The version of postgresql is 7.0.2 and the database created with EUC_KR encoding.

I cannot duplicate this failure with current REL7_0 sources
(7.0.3-to-be) and EUC_KR encoding.  Either it's been fixed since
7.0.2 (but there are no likely-looking patches in the CVS logs),
or there is something platform- or environment-specific about the

One possible environment issue: what LOCALE are you running the
postmaster in?  (Check environment variables used when postmaster
is started for LOCALE or LC_xxx variables.)

I don't believe you mentioned what platform you are on, either.

            regards, tom lane

Re: duplicate key ? (fwd)

Sungchul Park
Thank you. Mr. Tom lane.

> One possible environment issue: what LOCALE are you running the
> postmaster in?  (Check environment variables used when postmaster
> is started for LOCALE or LC_xxx variables.)

You are right. it was because of LOCALE. I upgraded a locale package to newer
one and it solved my problem.

Thanks again.

Park, Sungchul / mailto:scpark@gen128.com
gen128, inc. - The internet company powered by open source.
http://www.gen128.com / Voice : +82-2-3017-0128 / Fax : +82-2-3017-1128
238-9 poi kangnam, #601 poongjoen bldg., Seoul 135-250, Republic of Korea