Обсуждение: Multiple Inheritance


Multiple Inheritance

Wouter Tijhuis
Our problem is as follows:

Given the following tables and insertions using multiple inheritance:
CREATE TABLE test1 (id serial, t1 text,PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE TABLE test2 (id serial, t2 text,PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE TABLE test () INHERITS(test1,test2);

INSERT INTO test2 (t2) values('t2.1');
INSERT INTO test (t1,t2) values('t1.1', 't2.2');
, this will generate the following database contents:

select * from test2*;

 id |  t2
  1 | t2.1
  1 | t2.2
(2 rows)

select * from test1*;

 id |  t1
  1 | t1.1
(1 row)

select * from test;
 id |  t1  |  t2
  1 | t1.1 | t2.2
(1 row)

As you can see from the output this will generate a sequence error in test2.

If we had first inserted a value in test1, and then insert values into test, the
problem won't occur.
, but as soon a value is put explicitly into test2 the sequence defined over
test2.id will be confused and will start counting from scratch. (See the include
queries below.)

Our question is whether this is a bug in postgres, or that we are using the
inheritance mechanism in an incorrect manner.

Please help us out!!

CREATE TABLE test1 (id serial, t1 text,PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE TABLE test2 (id serial, t2 text,PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE TABLE test () INHERITS(test1,test2);

INSERT INTO test1 (t1) values('t1.2');
INSERT INTO test (t1,t2) values('t1.2', 't2.1');
INSERT INTO test2 (t2) values('t2.3');

select * from test2*;
 id |  t2
  1 | t2.3
  2 | t2.1
(2 rows)

select * from test1*;
 id |  t1
  1 | t1.2
  2 | t1.2
(2 rows)

select * from test;
 id |  t1  |  t2
  2 | t1.2 | t2.1
(1 row)

greetings Ivo Klerkx en Wouter Tijhuis

Re: Multiple Inheritance

Tom Lane
Wouter Tijhuis <tijhuis@cs.utwente.nl> writes:
> As you can see from the output this will generate a sequence error in test2.

Well, since you have columns named "id" in *both* parent tables, it's
not possible for the child to inherit both.  The implementation is to
ignore test2's id and inherit only test1's.  Thus, you get an id
sequence that is unique across test1 and test, but has nothing to do
with test2's id sequence.

If you want distinct ids for both test1 and test2, name the columns
differently so that the child table can inherit both.

Or, if you think that you want a globally unique id, make a common
ancestor table that both test1 and test2 inherit id from.

Or build the serial-number behavior from spare parts --- there's nothing
magic about it, it's just "DEFAULT nextval('some-sequence')" --- so you
can have direct control of which sequence generator gets used for each

            regards, tom lane