Обсуждение: What is the size of DB in Postgresql??


What is the size of DB in Postgresql??


I have 2 questions:
1) What is th max size of database we can create in Postegrsql?
2) Suppose I have two simular  databases: mydb1, mydb2 (containig the
same number of table, ...etc.), how I can copy the contents of mydb1
into mydb2? if mydb2 is on a remote machine, how I can do this?


Re: What is the size of DB in Postgresql??

"Poul L. Christiansen"
Ould wrote:
> Hello,
> I have 2 questions:
> 1) What is th max size of database we can create in Postegrsql?

See: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq-english.html#4.6

"Maximum size for a database? unlimited (60GB databases exist)"

> 2) Suppose I have two simular  databases: mydb1, mydb2 (containig the
> same number of table, ...etc.), how I can copy the contents of mydb1
> into mydb2? if mydb2 is on a remote machine, how I can do this?

Use the pg_dumpall command.

Poul L. Christiansen

Re: What is the size of DB in Postgresql??


Ould wrote:
The size of any file is limitted (for exemple in linux 2.2.x to 2GO). If
database (tablespace) is considered as file how we can atteign 60 GO?

> Ould wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have 2 questions:
> > 1) What is th max size of database we can create in Postegrsql?
> > 2) Suppose I have two simular  databases: mydb1, mydb2 (containig the
> > same number of table, ...etc.), how I can copy the contents of mydb1
> > into mydb2? if mydb2 is on a remote machine, how I can do this?
> >
> > Thanks

Re: Re: What is the size of DB in Postgresql??

"Poul L. Christiansen"
PostgreSQL splits the table files into several files transparently, so
you don't have to worry about that.

I think Linux 2.4.x will have this limit removed.

But when you dump at 60GB table to disk on linux 2.2.x, you can use the
utilities "split" and "gzip" to avoid running into the 2GB barrier.

Poul L. Christiansen

Ould wrote:
> Ould wrote:
> The size of any file is limitted (for exemple in linux 2.2.x to 2GO). If
> database (tablespace) is considered as file how we can atteign 60 GO?
> > Ould wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I have 2 questions:
> > > 1) What is th max size of database we can create in Postegrsql?
> > > 2) Suppose I have two simular  databases: mydb1, mydb2 (containig the
> > > same number of table, ...etc.), how I can copy the contents of mydb1
> > > into mydb2? if mydb2 is on a remote machine, how I can do this?
> > >
> > > Thanks