Обсуждение: Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL?


Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL?

Raymond Chui
I am just start look at PostgreSQL for our Redhat Linux.
I am wonder why most of people choose MySQL in Linux
world rather than PostgreSQL? PostgreSQL has 15 years
history (I never know that before) which is much longer
than MySQL. Also PostgreSQL supports a lot of things
which MySQL has not support yet.

Why we want to teach our babies to talk and walk,
then later we tell them "sit down!", "be quiet!" ?

Democracy is not a better way for a solution,
it is just another way to spread the blames.


Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL?

Dan Lyke
Raymond Chui writes:
> I am wonder why most of people choose MySQL in Linux
> world rather than PostgreSQL?

I normally stay out of the advocacy wars, but as a recent convert I
figure I'll pipe up.

I switched to PostgreSQL as the back-end to my services at
http://www.flutterby.com/ from MySQL when I was collaborating on a
project with a "data warehousing" person who came from a larger
systems background, where I came from a microcomputer background.

I've been seriously programming microcomputers for a decade and a
half. One of the great accomplishments of my career was shoehorning a
big database application into a 4.77 MHz PC XT under that 640k limit,
including the bigger versions of DOS and the Novell drivers. 30 meg
was a *huge* database. Assembly language and special case hacks to
CTREE (which we only used part of because the record management was
more inefficient than we could tolerate) were the norm.

When we were struggling over linker paging issues and 500 bytes here
and there the idea of wastefully having the database functionality
uncoupled from the application just wasn't an option. So referential
integrity and update triggers and transactions all those other things
that a real database system provides had to be special-cased in the
application code.

Since then I've been a games programmer, and then on to a rendering
system where we were extremely careful about space in data structures
because we were bumping up against 2 gig physical RAM limits, and the
application was running on farms of a few thousand processors.

When you're shipping a hundred thousand copies of software, hardware
costs are leveraged very hard. Saving 10 dollars in minimum hardware
requirements gives you a million bucks to spend on programming.

MySQL blends that philosophy (provide the basic services as fast and
lightweight as possible, offload the thinking on to the programmer)
with a few extremely useful data types (ENUM, longer strings and
BLOBs). It's not really a database manager, more a loosely coupled
system of tables.

However, good programmers are hard to find, the world is heading
towards a much more client-server way of thinking, and hardware is
cheaper than sand and getting more so. Now that I code for the web
it's much more reasonable to suggest that someone spend an extra $10k
on a server than that they employ a $100k+/year coder.

PostgreSQL comes from the latter camp.

The benchmarks that show PostgreSQL outperforming MySQL generally talk
about joins between 10 or more tables. This is not something that the
microcomputing side of me would even consider. When first implemented
for MySQL, my simple comment system for my personal web page tried to
intelligently cache the sort of lookups that would usually be done
with joins because that's the way I'm used to seeing things.

My impression of the PostgreSQL philosophy is that ENUM is irrelevant
because you just throw that definition in another table.

In many web apps transactions just don't matter, generally you've got
to order inserts so that other things can link to the new sequence
numbers anyway, and disk space is cheaper than testing out delete
routines (Oracle users I've talked to, and the (in)famous Philip
Greenspun in one of his talks in Berkeley, have said "Set a flag in
the record and make your queries check DELETED='N', don't ever delete,
that'll make your tables unstable"). In the sequence of things, if
that final INSERT that makes the user's message visible fails the user
will try again.

It takes a while to make the conceptual shift to thinking about how to
implement the structure of the database completely inside the database
manager rather than letting the application manage integrity.

Finally, version 7 is fairly recent, and it's the first version of
PostgreSQL that's really rich enough to be usable for quick and dirty
projects. Even at that I'm hoping that none of my users post comments
longer than 8k and holding off on converting a few other bits of my
website over to SQL 'til 7.1.

And in the process of changing my thinking I've almost ripped out
PostgreSQL and gone back to MySQL several times. Changing my code to
use different syntax for "INSERT" and "UPDATE" ("SET" versus "VALUES")
was a pain in the tail. The huge latency on connections meant that I
had to get mod_perl installed and tuned, which broke some legacy
CGI. Having to write TIMESTAMP functionality that MySQL included from
scratch meant yet another stumble in the learning curve, and I still
need to rework some of the gross places I used the wrong ENUM
workarounds while I was learning.

While I'm now convinced that PostgreSQL is the way for me to go, this
was a long uphill battle driven by my respect for people who had
different backgrounds than I, and my xenophilia for different ways of

That momentum in the coder populace at large is going to take a while
to overcome.


Re: Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL?

Mike Castle
On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 03:05:23PM -0800, Dan Lyke wrote:
> I've been seriously programming microcomputers for a decade and a
> half. One of the great accomplishments of my career was shoehorning a
> big database application into a 4.77 MHz PC XT under that 640k limit,
> including the bigger versions of DOS and the Novell drivers. 30 meg
> was a *huge* database. Assembly language and special case hacks to
> CTREE (which we only used part of because the record management was
> more inefficient than we could tolerate) were the norm.

This is interesting.

I too come from a background of using CTREE (I'm assuming you mean the
product from www.faircom.com).

And this exposure was precisely why I choose Postgres over MySQL.
Maybe because I switched over later and started using transactions once
CTREE supported them (prior to that, we literally made backup copies of
the files to simulate transactions!).

I too am used to putting all of the integrity issues into the application.
And many many times I'd come close to writing a layer on top of ctree that
did exactly that!  But having started using PostgresQL, I am hooked on
having the database handle it.  Constantly reinventing the wheel inside the
application is annoying!  And not very exciting.

       Mike Castle       Life is like a clock:  You can work constantly
  dalgoda@ix.netcom.com  and be right all the time, or not work at all
www.netcom.com/~dalgoda/ and be right at least twice a day.  -- mrc
    We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan.  -- Watchmen

Re: Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL?

"Adam Lang"
As for me, when I was trying to decide and not as aware of the significance
of certain functionality's, I almost went with MySQL for a simple reason.
90% of the code examples I found involved MySQL as oppsoed to Postgresql.
That also implies it will be easier to find general help for MySQL than

Adam Lang
Systems Engineer
Rutgers Casualty Insurance Company
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Castle" <dalgoda@ix.netcom.com>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL?

> On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 03:05:23PM -0800, Dan Lyke wrote:
> > I've been seriously programming microcomputers for a decade and a
> > half. One of the great accomplishments of my career was shoehorning a
> > big database application into a 4.77 MHz PC XT under that 640k limit,
> > including the bigger versions of DOS and the Novell drivers. 30 meg
> > was a *huge* database. Assembly language and special case hacks to
> > CTREE (which we only used part of because the record management was
> > more inefficient than we could tolerate) were the norm.
> This is interesting.
> I too come from a background of using CTREE (I'm assuming you mean the
> product from www.faircom.com).
> And this exposure was precisely why I choose Postgres over MySQL.
> Maybe because I switched over later and started using transactions once
> CTREE supported them (prior to that, we literally made backup copies of
> the files to simulate transactions!).
> I too am used to putting all of the integrity issues into the application.
> And many many times I'd come close to writing a layer on top of ctree that
> did exactly that!  But having started using PostgresQL, I am hooked on
> having the database handle it.  Constantly reinventing the wheel inside
> application is annoying!  And not very exciting.
> mrc
> --
>        Mike Castle       Life is like a clock:  You can work constantly
>   dalgoda@ix.netcom.com  and be right all the time, or not work at all
> www.netcom.com/~dalgoda/ and be right at least twice a day.  -- mrc
>     We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan.  -- Watchmen

looking for more PL/PGsql examples

Ive read the docs through and the examples in the source directory
(searched archives etc)- and was wondering if there was a tutorial - or
more examples out there on plpgsql.
Im getting to understand it, and have some things working but some
simple examples would help a lot.

I know this has been asked many times before - but some simple tutorials
on it might encouarge the less knowledgeable of us to take up