Обсуждение: Article in "Web Techniques" (Jan-2001)...


Article in "Web Techniques" (Jan-2001)...

Philip Hallstrom
Just got "Web Techniques" today and the front cover is entitled "the
industry of Open Source" with one of the four cover articles being "Should
Postgres be Your Next Database?"

They review Postgres, MySQL, and Interbase... it's a pretty good
article.. the opening about Postgres reads:

"Of the open-source database options, PostgreSQL is the most robust,
object-relational database management system.  PostgreSQL, also known as
Postgres, has been open source since its inception and evolves quickly due
to the committed, active community of developers behind it.  From one
release to the next, Postgres adds major features within a matter of
months, equivalent to upgrades that commercial software companies take
years to introduce.  The unprecendented rate of revision stems from
hundreds of loyal and enthusiastic developers and users who brainstorm
fixes and test the latest tweaks, quickly reporting results from all kinds
of applications, configurations, and platforms.  Postgres' latest version,
7.0, is close to clearing the final hurdles to widespread adoption by
enterprise-level businesses.  It's next iteration, 7.1, will likely propel
it into a position that seriously threatens the reigning commercial

Cool!  If you don't get this magazine, in about a month it will be up on
