Обсуждение: Re: why am i able to access my db with username and ANY password?


Re: why am i able to access my db with username and ANY password?

Lincoln Yeoh
At 10:21 PM 1/20/01 -0600, Thomas T. Thai wrote:
>i tried accessing my db with a known username in pgsql's access, but any
>password works. this is even with the password assigned when the user was

You have to add controls in the pg_hba.conf file. Add a password line and
postgresql will start checking for passwords.

However before that make sure you set the passwords with the various alter
user and create user SQL commands, or you might find you have to restart
postgresql again ;). If you forget, the postgresql super user password used
to be \N by default. Look in one of the password files in the DATA
directory for it.

When you turn on password checking you'll find that some of the scripts
won't work. For example pg_dump_all won't work but pg_dump can still work.
A number of the scripts are designed to work in a passwordless environment.
