Обсуждение: select fails inside function, but works otherwise


select fails inside function, but works otherwise

Daniel Wickstrom
I've encountered a strange problem with some code that I'm porting
from oracle.  When I do a select inside of a function it returns
nulls, but if I do the same select from psql it works fine.  Here is
the test case that reproduces the problem:

drop table acs_objects;
create table acs_objects (
    object_id        integer not null
                constraint acs_objects_pk primary key,
        context_id        integer constraint acs_objects_context_id_fk
                references acs_objects(object_id),
    security_inherit_p    boolean default 't' not null

insert into acs_objects values (0,null,'t');
insert into acs_objects values (5,null,'t');
insert into acs_objects values (44,5,'t');

drop function acs_object__check_path (integer,integer);

create function acs_object__check_path (integer,integer)
returns boolean as '
  check_path__object_id              alias for $1;
  check_path__ancestor_id            alias for $2;
  context_id                         acs_objects.context_id%TYPE;
  security_inherit_p                 acs_objects.security_inherit_p%TYPE;
   raise notice ''check path: % %'', check_path__object_id,
   if check_path__object_id = check_path__ancestor_id then
     return ''t'';
   end if;

   -- This select is failing.  It does not return the correct value
   -- when object_id = 44

   select context_id, security_inherit_p
   into context_id, security_inherit_p
   from acs_objects
   where object_id = check_path__object_id;

   raise notice ''check path context : % %'', context_id,security_inherit_p;

   if context_id is null or security_inherit_p = ''f'' then
     context_id := 0;
   end if;

   raise notice ''check path recurse : % %'', context_id,check_path__ancestor_id;

   return acs_object__check_path(context_id, check_path__ancestor_id);

end;' language 'plpgsql';

select acs_object__check_path(44,5);

Because of the select failure and a bug in this code, the function will
recurse until the back-end crashes.  Of course if the select were
working properly that wouldn't happen.  Here is the output from the
test run:

%psql -f tst.sql acspg
psql:tst.sql:10: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'acs_objects_pk' for table 'acs_objects'
psql:tst.sql:10: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
INSERT 125290 1
INSERT 125291 1
INSERT 125292 1
psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  check path: 44 5
psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  check path context : <NULL> <NULL>
psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  check path recurse : 0 5
psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  check path: 0 5
psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  check path context : <NULL> <NULL>

 ... [snipped] ...

psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  check path: 0 5
psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  check path context : <NULL> <NULL>
psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  check path recurse : 0 5
psql:tst.sql:49: NOTICE:  chec^CCancel request sent
psql:tst.sql:49: ERROR:  Query was cancelled.

And here is the select from psql:

acspg=# select context_id, security_inherit_p from acs_objects where object_id = 44;
 context_id | security_inherit_p
          5 | t
(1 row)


Re: select fails inside function, but works otherwise

Tom Lane
Daniel Wickstrom <danw@rtp.ericsson.se> writes:
>    -- This select is failing.  It does not return the correct value
>    -- when object_id = 44

>    select context_id, security_inherit_p
>    into context_id, security_inherit_p
>    from acs_objects
>    where object_id = check_path__object_id;

Try distinguishing the field names from the plpgsql variable names.
I believe the machine is seeing this as a command to select the current
values of the plpgsql variables (ie, two NULLs) into those same
variables.  IIRC, unqualified names will be matched first to plpgsql
variables and only second to fields of the query tables.

            regards, tom lane

Re: select fails inside function, but works otherwise

Daniel Wickstrom
>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:

    Tom> Daniel Wickstrom <danw@rtp.ericsson.se> writes:
    >> -- This select is failing.  It does not return the correct
    >> value -- when object_id = 44

    >> select context_id, security_inherit_p into context_id,
    >> security_inherit_p from acs_objects where object_id =
    >> check_path__object_id;

    Tom> Try distinguishing the field names from the plpgsql variable
    Tom> names.  I believe the machine is seeing this as a command to
    Tom> select the current values of the plpgsql variables (ie, two
    Tom> NULLs) into those same variables.  IIRC, unqualified names
    Tom> will be matched first to plpgsql variables and only second to
    Tom> fields of the query tables.

That was the problem.

