Обсуждение: Re: To Peter Eisentraut


Re: To Peter Eisentraut


mjoser wrote:

> Hello again:
> A lot of days ago, we wrote to you asking about how can we do to make
> PostreSql run over W98. Ian Cris Capon Field sent us a binary with the
> solution, so we installed and at this moment is working ok. PostgreSql
> is the most suitable database to our proyect, because we selected to
> work with Oriented Object Metodology and its alows us to use inheritance
> , for example.
> As you know, we are a group of students of ORT Uruguay , that are
> developing our Final Tesis. The reason to email you again , is because
> we need to know if exists a  stored procedure thats returns us the last
> oid we´d recently inserted. We are using a max(oid)  sintaxis to obtein
> it. But we thougth this solution is not the best solution.
> The second question is how can we use oid like foreing keys.We need this
> to control data integrity of database.
> Thaks a lot ... and I hope you can answer soon.
> >From Paysandú-Uruguay
> Maria José.