Обсуждение: Problem with pg_log file corrupted


Problem with pg_log file corrupted

I think the pg_log file of my postgreSQL is corrupted after a power
I can;t access to tables in my database now.
The error message appear when I tried to list all tables is as below :
" cannot flush block 8 of pg_log to stable store "
Anybody know how can I restore back the pg_log file.

Emmanuel Wong

Re: Problem with pg_log file corrupted

Tom Lane
YekFu.Wong@seagate.com writes:
> The error message appear when I tried to list all tables is as below :
> " cannot flush block 8 of pg_log to stable store "

I can't see any good reason why you'd get a failure there ... unless
maybe you are out of disk space?

Assuming you are running a 7.0.* release, I'd suggest updating to 7.0.3,
which will at least give a more detailed error message.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Problem with pg_log file corrupted

---------------------- Forwarded by YekFu Wong on 04/26/2001 02:27 PM

YekFu Wong
04/26/2001 07:26 AM

To:   "Tom Lane" <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> @ INTERNET
Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] Problem with pg_log file corrupted  (Document link:
      YekFu Wong)

I am using postgreSQL version 6.5.3
I think probably the transaction was inconsistent when there is a power
when user try to update data to tables through webpage.
Now, I can't do #pgaccess [database name] ....
It will prompt me the same error saying cannot flush block 8 of pg_log
Since pg_log file is a binary file, I don;t know how to restore it...
I tried to delete the file but then, I can;t open any database without the
I am trying to upgrade the postgreSQL version now...see whether it helps.

"Tom Lane" <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>@postgresql.org on 04/26/2001 06:27:14 AM

Sent by:  pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org

To:   YekFu.Wong@seagate.com
cc:   pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] Problem with pg_log file corrupted

YekFu.Wong@seagate.com writes:
> The error message appear when I tried to list all tables is as below :
> " cannot flush block 8 of pg_log to stable store "

I can't see any good reason why you'd get a failure there ... unless
maybe you are out of disk space?

Assuming you are running a 7.0.* release, I'd suggest updating to 7.0.3,
which will at least give a more detailed error message.

               regards, tom lane

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