Обсуждение: FTP Problems -- maybe?


FTP Problems -- maybe?

"Mitch Vincent"
    I thought about sending this when 7.1.1 was released but decided to
wait. Now it's getting a little mysterious so I think a note is in order..

    *Every* time I've tried to log in to ftp.postgresql.org or
postgresql.readysetnet.net via anonymous FTP I get a "maximum number of
concurrent connections" type error.. I normally wouldn't think it that odd
as I've run into this before (after all PG is popular!) but for the last few
weeks I can *never* get in there.. Now it's 1am EST on a Saturday and both
FTPs are still filled up, or at least acting like they are.. That seems a
little odd to me.. I'm able to log into a few of the other mirrors without
trouble so it's not preventing me from doing anything, I just want to make
sure everything is functioning as it should...



Re: FTP Problems -- maybe?

Justin Clift
Hi Mitch,

Just tried logging in as well, server full.

Download from a mirror I guess, but you could be right, might be
something strange going on.  :-/

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Mitch Vincent wrote:
>     I thought about sending this when 7.1.1 was released but decided to
> wait. Now it's getting a little mysterious so I think a note is in order..
>     *Every* time I've tried to log in to ftp.postgresql.org or
> postgresql.readysetnet.net via anonymous FTP I get a "maximum number of
> concurrent connections" type error.. I normally wouldn't think it that odd
> as I've run into this before (after all PG is popular!) but for the last few
> weeks I can *never* get in there.. Now it's 1am EST on a Saturday and both
> FTPs are still filled up, or at least acting like they are.. That seems a
> little odd to me.. I'm able to log into a few of the other mirrors without
> trouble so it's not preventing me from doing anything, I just want to make
> sure everything is functioning as it should...
>     Thanks!
> -Mitch
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