Обсуждение: Newbe questions: Setting Passwords


Newbe questions: Setting Passwords

Anatole Varin
I'm new to this list and Postgres. I have Postgres up and running, but I'm
having trouble understanding the password system. In particular, I have the
following troubles:
1. Is it correct that users can only be given permissions on a particular
2. The owner of all my tables are listed as "postgres". Should I then be
using this "postgres" as the user name when I'm connecting (I'll be
connecting with PHP).
3. How can I change the password of "postgres"?

Sorry for the base-ness of the above questions, but your input would save me
a lot of grief.

- anatole

Re: Newbe questions: Setting Passwords

John Clark Naldoza y Lopez

You could use the following...;-)

psql -U postgres template1

UPDATE pg_shadow SET passwd='whatever' WHERE usename='postgres';

You could also use GRANT or create other users as well...  kindly check
the administrative section of your documentation...;-)


John Clark

Re: Newbe questions: Setting Passwords

Anatole Varin
Thanks for your advice. I set my password as you advised below, however I'm
still having some problems connecting. When I try to connect I get the
following error message:

Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'password='
is not in 'pg_shadow'

When connecting I'm using username "postgres" and the password that I used
when I updated the pg_shadow file as suggested. Any ideas???

> Hi,
> You could use the following...;-)
> psql -U postgres template1
> UPDATE pg_shadow SET passwd='whatever' WHERE usename='postgres';

Re: Newbe questions: Setting Passwords

John Clark Naldoza y Lopez
Anatole Varin wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your advice. I set my password as you advised below, however I'm
> still having some problems connecting. When I try to connect I get the
> following error message:
> Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'password='
> is not in 'pg_shadow'
> When connecting I'm using username "postgres" and the password that I used
> when I updated the pg_shadow file as suggested. Any ideas???
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> > You could use the following...;-)
> >
> >
> > psql -U postgres template1
> >
> > UPDATE pg_shadow SET passwd='whatever' WHERE usename='postgres';
> >

I don't believe I've had the pleasure of this problem before...;-)

Would you mind showing us your exact command, that you tried to execute
to get into your postgresql database?  (Maybe a little cut and

Is your PostgreSQL database part of your server?  Or at another

And kindly check this file (I assuming youe got PostgreSQL 7.x)


If you have a "-i" in this file.



John Clark

Re: Newbe questions: Setting Passwords

Tom Lane
>> Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'password='
>> is not in 'pg_shadow'

Some kind of syntactic confusion at the client end, evidently: the
software is taking "password=" as your username, which I'm pretty
sure is not what you intended.

            regards, tom lane

Timestamp Format

how can I make a timestamp data type be outputted without the time zone?

I expect:
instead of postgresql output:
"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS-timezone"

I know I can do that by using some functions on the select query, but my
idea is to get this result without altering the queries, like changing an
enviroment variable or a setting in the configuration file or whatever like
that, but NOT in the query.

from what I've read so far, set DATETYLE won't help at all, it just changes
the way the date and the timezone is printed, but it won't  ouput a strict

can postgresql do this at all (once again, without using functions or
altering the query)

Thanks in advance, Alex