Обсуждение: Re: [SQL] maximum number of rows in table - what about oid limits?


Re: [SQL] maximum number of rows in table - what about oid limits?

Tom Lane
John Scott <jmscott@yahoo.com> writes:
> but does retrying fix the problem?  wouldn't the second try just often
> see the same oid again.  does a failed attempt increment the oid????


> by the way, have you written anything up on the txid wrapping problem?
> we talked about this at osdn last year in san jose.  i proposed
> 64 bits, and you discussed a clever wrapping algorithm involving 48 bits and,
> if memory serves me, backward compatiablility of the disk format.

The wraparound idea was discussed on pghackers; people didn't like it
much, but I haven't heard a better near-term solution ...

            regards, tom lane

Help me speed things up...

Paul Tomblin
I'm doing some postgres stuff in perl.  I haven't done much database stuff
in many years, and back then I was doing Oracle in C.  I'm doing a major
query that gets a bunch of fields including a key, and then does other
queries with that key on other tables.  Now with Oracle I would have set
up and compiled a query for the subqueries, and then only substituted in
the key variable and do the query, and repeat ad-nauseum.  (Forgive the
fact that I've forgotten the terminology)  There doesn't seem to be any
way to do that in Pg.pm, unless I'm missing something, and my subqueries
are making the whole thing slow as molasses.  I think the query I just did
took about 45 minutes when I did the subqueries, and about 30 seconds

Paul Tomblin <ptomblin@xcski.com>, not speaking for anybody
"But I heard him exclaim, as he climbed in the night
Merry Christmas to all, I have traffic in sight" - Phyllis Moses