Обсуждение: Function returning record


Function returning record

alla@sergey.com (Alla)
Is it possible in PostgreSQL to write a function that would return a
record type.

What I need is something like this:

create function my_func(varchar)
return record as '
   my_rec   record;
   select null as field1, null as field2
   into my_rec;

   .... some processing to populate the actual values of the record

   return my_rec;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

I get the following when I try to compile this:
NOTICE:  ProcedureCreate: return type 'record' is only a shell

and following when I try to execute it (even though I am not sure how
to execute this at all);
ERROR:  fmgr_info: function 0: cache lookup failed

Please help.

Thanks a lot in advance


Re: Function returning record

"Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos"
You can have the function return a record but still when you call it you need to pick only one of its fields :-/

CREATE FUNCTION lala(int4) RETURNS my_table AS 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE pkey= $1' LANGUAGE 'sql';

Let's say it returns the record: {first_name,last_name,id}={'koko','xaxa',100}

When you call it you have to select one of the attributes:

select first_name(lala(100)) as Fname;
(1 row)


On 7 Jun 2001, Alla wrote:

> Is it possible in PostgreSQL to write a function that would return a
> record type.
> What I need is something like this:
> create function my_func(varchar)
> return record as '
> declare
>    my_rec   record;
> begin
>    select null as field1, null as field2
>    into my_rec;
>    .... some processing to populate the actual values of the record
>    return my_rec;
> end;
> ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> I get the following when I try to compile this:
> NOTICE:  ProcedureCreate: return type 'record' is only a shell
> and following when I try to execute it (even though I am not sure how
> to execute this at all);
> ERROR:  fmgr_info: function 0: cache lookup failed
> Please help.
> Thanks a lot in advance
> Alla
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