Обсуждение: Postgres permissions for www-data


Postgres permissions for www-data


I'm using Zope 2.3.2, PostgreSQL 7.1.2 and psycopg 0.99.2.
On a Debian system Zope is running as user www-data.

I created this user using
   > createuser www-data

Moreover I made sure in psql:

   web=# select usename from pg_user;
   (3 rows)
   web=# grant all on testtable to "web-data" ;

which seems to be OK so far.

Opening a database connection from Zope works well.  I used the
connection string:


Unfortunately if I want to test the connection using

    select * from testtable ;

I get

Error Type: ProgrammingError
Error Value: ERROR: testtable: Permission denied. select * from testtable ;

Looking at /var/log/postgres.log I see the following entries:

2001-06-19 14:05:24 [22300]  DEBUG:  connection: host=[local] user=www-data database=web
2001-06-19 14:05:43 [22300]  ERROR:  testtable: Permission denied.

I also studied the archive:


deal with this problem but I found no solution for this problem.
According to this mails I tried to remap the username using pg_ident.conf
but nothing helped (remapping doesn't seem to work because the log-entry
did not change).

Moreover if I try to use a connection string with any username (different
from www-data or also www-data) and password even the connection itself

Kind regards


Re: Postgres permissions for www-data

Sean Chittenden
    Check out the GRANT syntax, I bet you haven't granted SELECT
permissionso to the user/table combo.  -sc

On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 01:23:26PM +0200, tillea@rki.de wrote:
> Delivered-To: chittenden.org-sean-pgsql-general@chittenden.org
> From: tillea@rki.de
> Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 13:23:26 +0200 (CEST)
> X-X-Sender:  <tillea@wr-linux02.rki.ivbb.bund.de>
> To: PostgreSQL General <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
> Subject: [GENERAL] Postgres permissions for www-data
> Precedence: bulk
> Hello,
> I'm using Zope 2.3.2, PostgreSQL 7.1.2 and psycopg 0.99.2.
> On a Debian system Zope is running as user www-data.
> I created this user using
>    > createuser www-data
> Moreover I made sure in psql:
>    web=# select usename from pg_user;
>     usename
>    ----------
>     postgres
>     tillea
>     www-data
>    (3 rows)
>    web=# grant all on testtable to "web-data" ;
> which seems to be OK so far.
> Opening a database connection from Zope works well.  I used the
> connection string:
>     dbname=web
> Unfortunately if I want to test the connection using
>     select * from testtable ;
> I get
> Error Type: ProgrammingError
> Error Value: ERROR: testtable: Permission denied. select * from testtable ;
> Looking at /var/log/postgres.log I see the following entries:
> 2001-06-19 14:05:24 [22300]  DEBUG:  connection: host=[local] user=www-data database=web
> 2001-06-19 14:05:43 [22300]  ERROR:  testtable: Permission denied.
> I also studied the archive:
>    http://fts.postgresql.org/db/mw/msg.html?mid=53327
>    http://fts.postgresql.org/db/mw/msg.html?mid=30785
> deal with this problem but I found no solution for this problem.
> According to this mails I tried to remap the username using pg_ident.conf
> but nothing helped (remapping doesn't seem to work because the log-entry
> did not change).
> Moreover if I try to use a connection string with any username (different
> from www-data or also www-data) and password even the connection itself
> fails.
> Kind regards
>          Andreas.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
> message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Sean Chittenden
