Обсуждение: do i need a view or procedure?


do i need a view or procedure?

Fran Fabrizio

I am trying to get my head around a complex problem I've been tasked

We have a set of servers spread throughout the country (100s to 1000s of

them) and I need to build a patch-distributing postgresql database.  The

actual patches would be distributed via rpm's which we'd like to store
in the database (we pretty much have that part figured out).  However,
there are various server configurations and only some patches are going
to be applicable to any one server.  The decision process from an
out-in-the-field server's point of view is something like this:

- Connect to the central patch database
- What patches are available?
- Of these, which are intended for my OS?
- Of these, which are intended for the major version of the software
which I am running?
- Of these, which are not already installed here?

So that whittles down the number of eligible patches quite a bit.  But
then there's more...

- Am I authorized to install patches designated for beta site or limited

- Is this patch authorized for installation in my geographic region?
- Are there any patches that are targeted uniquely to me as a
site-specific patch?
- I'm running version 1.2 of the software.  Is this patch numbered 1.0.7

intended specifically only for 1.0 installs or is it ok for 1.x installs

(we have both cases)?

As you can see, it becomes quite the tangled web.

The database has a few tables...a host table with an entry for each
field server, what their privileges are (beta site, limited release
site, etc...), what region they are in, what OS they are running, what
version of the software, etc...there's also a patches table, which
contain both the actual patch binary and all the various info about the
patch...what OS it's for...what version of the software it's for...if
it's for general use or for a specific host, etc... the idea is that the

client will be as dumb as possible.  In other words, we hope it can be
as simple as "select * from patchview where serverid=xxx" or "select
availablepatches(xxx)" where xxx is the serverid.

So, my task is to figure out which host is asking for which patches are
available, and using that piece of information, build a result set that
includes only the patches that pass all the criteria for that host.  I
see two approaches.  The first is a view...drawbacks of the view
approach are that the view cannot tailor which rows it's presenting
based on a variable (i.e. a view can not present a different view of the

table depending on who connected can it?)  I think I would need one view

for each server which quickly becomes unwieldy.  Plus, I think the view
is going to need some crazy unions and where clauses to get the full set

and nothing but the set of eligible patches.  The best we could come up
with is a view that has a 1-to-1 mapping of serverid to patchid.  So if
you have 10 patches, and 10 servers, this view would have as many as 100

entries, if all 10 patches were applicable to all 10 servers.  This gets

fairly large when you start looking at real world projections of how
many patches and servers we're going to have (something like maybe 100
patches x 10000 servers) and we're still not even sure if a view can
encompass all of the logic we need.

Another, more elegant possibility would be to use a procedure which
could build the result set piecewise (i.e. first get all the ones that
are marked specifically for this host, store them off to the side, then
go and get all the other ones that meet criteria B, add them to the
pile, then go get those that meet C and add them, etc....) and at the
end of the procedure, return a big result set to the client.  However,
I don't see anything where the procedural languages can return a result
set to the client, i'm not even sure if they can always return even a
single row or not.

A third option is that neither of us tasked with this are database gurus

- we're mostly comfortable with them but it's not our bread and butter.
So maybe we're taking the wrong approach completely.

So, I'm just having a lot of trouble figuring out how to even approach
this, so any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading this far  :-)


Re: do i need a view or procedure?

Fran Fabrizio

Thank you for the feedback!

> I, too, am not a guru.  Indeed, I'm so far from guru-hood that I'm not
> even clear on why it is that you need anything more complicated than a

Well, this may be exactly what we need, since a view is basically just a
SELECT statement.  It's just getting quite complicated so it might be
easier to do it in a procedure instead (though I'm growing more confident
that a stored procedure can't return a result set since I've yet to see any

> Then you might use a SELECT like this:
> "SELECT p.rpm-data
>    FROM patches p, servers s
>    WHERE s.id = xxx
>      AND s.criteria-1 = p.criteria-1
>      AND s.criteria-2 = p.criteria-2
>      AND s.criteria-3 = p.criteria-3
>      AND p.version > s.version
>      AND ...
> "

This is what we started out doing too.  The problem is that to pass a
criteria doesn't necessarily mean you have to equal it.  Sometimes it's
equal or greater, sometimes it's not applicable at all, and often it
depends on the particular patch - which is why it's so hard to make a
general rule that applies to all patches and all servers.  Some of the
exception cases are that often we'll be testing something new out and
release a patch destined for one and only one server whether or not it
meets the criteria (this is actually easy to handle, it's just an OR in the
above select statement, but they do get harder).

We've been developing a view whose SELECT statement grows ever more complex
as we realize new rules that must be observed.  I think we'd be capable of
just growing the SELECT statement indefinitely, but its getting messy and
hard to understand and maybe even inefficient.  I'm trying a new approach
this week, seeing if the names and numbers of the patches themselves can do
a lot of the legwork as to who is and is not eligible for a patch.  We'll
see how that goes.

> You can even make the logic more complex, but perhaps more efficient, by
> creating another table, this one containing perhaps three fields:
> server-id, patch-id, patch-version

In fact, we have this exact table, which we called 'installs'.  However,
it's only part of the puzzle - the last part.  After we whittle down to all
of the eligible patches for a particular host, we then use this table to
say which of those they already have installed and remove those from the
result set.  So, it does work very nicely for that.

Thanks for the input, if nothing else, it gets the brain thinking about it
in different ways.
