Обсуждение: Migration



Todd LaClair
I will be migrating a Tango app on Windows with a SQL Server backend
over to Linux, Apache, and Postgresql. What do I need to be on the
lookout for in regards to the odbc portion of this migration. Some hints
and links to help pages would be appreciated.

Re: Migration

Justin Clift
Hi Todd,

There's an ODBC specific part of the PostgreSQL group of sites at :


That might have information you'll find useful.

There's also a list of ODBC related PostgreSQL material at :


And there's always the psqlodbcplus Project (an improved ODBC driver for
PostgreSQL) at :


Additionally, Michael Davis <mdavis@sevainc.com> wrote up a quick page
about PostgreSQL ODBC configuration.  It's available at :


Hope these prove to be useful.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Todd LaClair wrote:
> I will be migrating a Tango app on Windows with a SQL Server backend
> over to Linux, Apache, and Postgresql. What do I need to be on the
> lookout for in regards to the odbc portion of this migration. Some hints
> and links to help pages would be appreciated.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://www.postgresql.org/search.mpl

Re: Migration

Justin Clift wrote:

> And there's always the psqlodbcplus Project (an improved ODBC driver for
> PostgreSQL) at :
> http://www.greatbridge.org/project/psqlodbcplus/projdisplay.php

Does anybody know at what point they've forked from the existing driver?
Their site implies 7.01.0003 but it's obviously interesting to know
whether they continue to track parallel development.

Specifically, the latest version of the current driver (7.01.0006)
handles varchars >8K properly which the previous one doesn't, and I'd
far rather not take a step backwards now that I've got some of my apps
working properly via ODBC.

Also it would be lovely if GB's site didn't nadger Netscape (possibly
other browsers) so that once you're in the FAQ area you can't use "Back"
to get out of it... anybody listening? :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or

Re: Migration

Justin Clift wrote:
> Did you get any feedback on this? :-)

Unfortunately not, but I live in hope. [If you live in Hope, you'll die
in Caergwrle]. I can afford very little time to play with it at present,
however I'll come back to it as soon as I can since one of our ongoing
issues is trying to get Win-32 Lotus 1-2-3 working and we'd quite
happily pay for an ODBC driver that did this reliably.

> \> Does anybody know at what point they've forked from the existing
> \> driver? Their site implies 7.01.0003 but it's obviously
> \> interesting to know whether they continue to track parallel
> \> development.
> \>
> \> Specifically, the latest version of the current driver (7.01.0006)
> \> handles varchars >8K properly which the previous one doesn't, and
> \> I'd far rather not take a step backwards now that I've got some of
> \> my apps working properly via ODBC.
> \>
> \> Also it would be lovely if GB's site didn't nadger Netscape
> \> (possibly other browsers) so that once you're in the FAQ area you
> \> can't use "Back" to get out of it... anybody listening? :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or