Обсуждение: looking for a secure


looking for a secure

Fran Fabrizio

I apologize in advance for the long post but I'm faced with a thorny
problem and my lack of experience is showing.  We are trying to figure
out the best arrangement for our Pg server.  We have what appears to me
to be a difficult-to-satisfy set of security requirements/implications.
Here's our setup...

We have a Pg database here at the central office.  We have two main
groups of clients that need to talk to this database.

In the field, we have/need to plan for upwards of 10,000 client sites
that need to both put data into (log messages) and take data out of
(downloading patches) this database.  These 10,000 clients are talking
to us over the internet, not a private network of any sort.

We also have a couple of dozen people that we need to access a different
section of the db through a web interface.

Some of the data in the database is of a sensitive nature (IP addresses,
account names and passwords to connect to the client sites).

So, the challenge is to provide access to this db from the internet
while making it reasonably hard to allow the wrong people to get
access.  We've been tossing over a lot of different scenarios, and
here's what we've come up with so far:

Scenario 1:  We put a Pg server outside our firewall, and another one
behind it.  The outer database contains only a subset of the total db
schema, just enough to receive the log messages and provide the patches
that need to be available for download.  The internet clients connect to
this outer database.  The internal database contains the full db
schema.  Then, the log and patch tables are replicated over to the
internal, main database.

Cons:  replication doesn't seem to be a solid product yet, would require
two-way replication (log messages need to be moved internally, new
available patches need to be moved onto the outer db), means we have two
databases to maintain

Scenario 2:  Same hardware setup as Scenario 1 but instead of
replication we have a cron'ed perl script or psql script or something
similar select from one db and insert into the other, and vice versa.

Cons:  still have two seperate databases, not real time, seems like a
hack to me

Scenario 3:  Punch a hole through the firewall or move the main Pg
database outside of the firewall and make the main database available on
the internet.

Cons: security implications

Scenario 3 seems the most elegant to me.  It avoids having to set up
some sort of replication/copying scheme and having the same data stored
in two different places.  But we are understandably nervous about
hanging that main db out there on the internet.  So, I'm looking for the
best recipe to minimize risk.  Here's what I've thought about so far:

- all 10,000 clients can get a separate Pg user account.  performance
issues?  can we then restrict to a certain user/IP combo?  can we
restrict what actions they can take, what tables they can see, or just
whether or not they have access to the db?  does this even help?

- SSL?  is this even possible?  The db client on those 10,000 machines
is going to be a very lightweight C program out of necessity (perl and
other languages is not supported, these machines are old and often we
don't have permission to install new languages on them anyway)

- the sensitive data fields can be encrypted in some reversible but
secure fashion when we store them in the database

- we can use things like tripwire, etc... to detect any unauthorized
access to the db server machine

- i have a nagging feeling i'm not seeing the big picture.  does
postgres have some other built-in security features that would help
secure the box?  revers lookups, maybe? or something else?

I'm really interested in seeing what other people have done to alleviate
these types of concerns, and what if anything I am missing as I approach
the problem.

Thanks for your time,

Re: looking for a secure

Fran Fabrizio
Mitch Vincent wrote:

> I think you've got most of your problem solved -- at least in theory.
> The answer to your questions of SSL and IPs is yes, and yes - check the
> manual for details..

Yeah, I know that it's straightforward to compile the SSL into the server,
but the question on the SSL is more of how likely is it that we are going to
be able to roll our own SSL communications from our lightweight C client
running on a hodgepodge of AIX and SCO machines.  I'm not the author of the C
program, so I really can't speak with authority, but I imagine it's not
trivial.  I also have seen some of the Pg folks (Momjian for one, maybe
Lane) post with some skepticism about the state of the SSL support, but I
don't recall the details at the moment.

> 10,000 clients eh'. I hope you have some beefy hardware :-)

It's 10,000 clients, but talking to us only once every 15 minutes to an hour,
and at very known intervals so we can kind of control the flow.  I was just
wondering how well Pg would manage that many user accounts.  But yes, should
we need to beef up the hardware, we do at least have the ability to do that
quite liberally.

Thanks for the input thus far!  I wish Perl was an option, I think I might
have been able to leverage its DBI::ProxyServer to isolate the physical db
from the internet a bit more.  Ah well, c'est la vie.


Re: looking for a secure

Paul Ramsey
Is it truly necessary for your 10000 client programs to interact
*directly* with the database? If their mode of operation is going to be
relatively simple (send this structured upload, receive this structured
download) would it not be better to use a web-based script as the
interface to the clients, and have that script do the actual database
manipulations? The clients could POST upload data to the script (as an
XML fragment, for example) and download data from the script. The script
would be exposted to the outside world, not the database, and could have
some data validation routines to ensure that nasty people are not
hacking at your interface. And if it gets compromised, it's running
under web server permissions, not database permissions. Also, the
database can then be placed back behind the firewall, with the script
playing middleman.
The other nice thing about this scenario is that if you decide in 18
months that PostgreSQL 8 or whatever is the greatest thing since sliced
bread, but the PG wire protocol has changed, you can upgrade your server
without having to upgrade your clients (the PG team have been good about
not monkeying with the wire protocol though, so this is probably moot).

Fran Fabrizio wrote:
> Hi,
> I apologize in advance for the long post but I'm faced with a thorny
> problem and my lack of experience is showing.  We are trying to figure
> out the best arrangement for our Pg server.  We have what appears to me
> to be a difficult-to-satisfy set of security requirements/implications.
> Here's our setup...
> We have a Pg database here at the central office.  We have two main
> groups of clients that need to talk to this database.
> In the field, we have/need to plan for upwards of 10,000 client sites
> that need to both put data into (log messages) and take data out of
> (downloading patches) this database.  These 10,000 clients are talking
> to us over the internet, not a private network of any sort.
> We also have a couple of dozen people that we need to access a different
> section of the db through a web interface.
> Some of the data in the database is of a sensitive nature (IP addresses,
> account names and passwords to connect to the client sites).
> So, the challenge is to provide access to this db from the internet
> while making it reasonably hard to allow the wrong people to get
> access.  We've been tossing over a lot of different scenarios, and
> here's what we've come up with so far:
> Scenario 1:  We put a Pg server outside our firewall, and another one
> behind it.  The outer database contains only a subset of the total db
> schema, just enough to receive the log messages and provide the patches
> that need to be available for download.  The internet clients connect to
> this outer database.  The internal database contains the full db
> schema.  Then, the log and patch tables are replicated over to the
> internal, main database.
> Cons:  replication doesn't seem to be a solid product yet, would require
> two-way replication (log messages need to be moved internally, new
> available patches need to be moved onto the outer db), means we have two
> databases to maintain
> Scenario 2:  Same hardware setup as Scenario 1 but instead of
> replication we have a cron'ed perl script or psql script or something
> similar select from one db and insert into the other, and vice versa.
> Cons:  still have two seperate databases, not real time, seems like a
> hack to me
> Scenario 3:  Punch a hole through the firewall or move the main Pg
> database outside of the firewall and make the main database available on
> the internet.
> Cons: security implications
> Scenario 3 seems the most elegant to me.  It avoids having to set up
> some sort of replication/copying scheme and having the same data stored
> in two different places.  But we are understandably nervous about
> hanging that main db out there on the internet.  So, I'm looking for the
> best recipe to minimize risk.  Here's what I've thought about so far:
> - all 10,000 clients can get a separate Pg user account.  performance
> issues?  can we then restrict to a certain user/IP combo?  can we
> restrict what actions they can take, what tables they can see, or just
> whether or not they have access to the db?  does this even help?
> - SSL?  is this even possible?  The db client on those 10,000 machines
> is going to be a very lightweight C program out of necessity (perl and
> other languages is not supported, these machines are old and often we
> don't have permission to install new languages on them anyway)
> - the sensitive data fields can be encrypted in some reversible but
> secure fashion when we store them in the database
> - we can use things like tripwire, etc... to detect any unauthorized
> access to the db server machine
> - i have a nagging feeling i'm not seeing the big picture.  does
> postgres have some other built-in security features that would help
> secure the box?  revers lookups, maybe? or something else?
> I'm really interested in seeing what other people have done to alleviate
> these types of concerns, and what if anything I am missing as I approach
> the problem.
> Thanks for your time,
> Fran
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

Re: looking for a secure

"Mitch Vincent"
I think you've got most of your problem solved -- at least in theory.

The answer to your questions of SSL and IPs is yes, and yes - check the
manual for details..

10,000 clients eh'. I hope you have some beefy hardware :-)

> Scenario 3 seems the most elegant to me.  It avoids having to set up
> some sort of replication/copying scheme and having the same data stored
> in two different places.  But we are understandably nervous about
> hanging that main db out there on the internet.  So, I'm looking for the
> best recipe to minimize risk.  Here's what I've thought about so far:

Re: looking for a secure

"Joshua D. Drake"
Sorry about that,

You can use Stunnel. There is info here:


and here:


On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Fran Fabrizio wrote:

> Mitch Vincent wrote:
> > I think you've got most of your problem solved -- at least in theory.
> >
> > The answer to your questions of SSL and IPs is yes, and yes - check the
> > manual for details..
> Yeah, I know that it's straightforward to compile the SSL into the server,
> but the question on the SSL is more of how likely is it that we are going to
> be able to roll our own SSL communications from our lightweight C client
> running on a hodgepodge of AIX and SCO machines.  I'm not the author of the C
> program, so I really can't speak with authority, but I imagine it's not
> trivial.  I also have seen some of the Pg folks (Momjian for one, maybe
> Lane) post with some skepticism about the state of the SSL support, but I
> don't recall the details at the moment.
> > 10,000 clients eh'. I hope you have some beefy hardware :-)
> It's 10,000 clients, but talking to us only once every 15 minutes to an hour,
> and at very known intervals so we can kind of control the flow.  I was just
> wondering how well Pg would manage that many user accounts.  But yes, should
> we need to beef up the hardware, we do at least have the ability to do that
> quite liberally.
> Thanks for the input thus far!  I wish Perl was an option, I think I might
> have been able to leverage its DBI::ProxyServer to isolate the physical db
> from the internet a bit more.  Ah well, c'est la vie.
> -Fran
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

<COMPANY>CommandPrompt    - http://www.commandprompt.com    </COMPANY>
<PROJECT>OpenDocs, LLC.    - http://www.opendocs.org    </PROJECT>
<PROJECT>LinuxPorts     - http://www.linuxports.com     </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP        - http://www.linuxdoc.org    </WEBMASTER>
Instead of asking why a piece of software is using "1970s technology,"
start asking why software is ignoring 30 years of accumulated wisdom.

Re: looking for a secure

"Joshua D. Drake"
Use Stunnel

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Fran Fabrizio wrote:

> Mitch Vincent wrote:
> > I think you've got most of your problem solved -- at least in theory.
> >
> > The answer to your questions of SSL and IPs is yes, and yes - check the
> > manual for details..
> Yeah, I know that it's straightforward to compile the SSL into the server,
> but the question on the SSL is more of how likely is it that we are going to
> be able to roll our own SSL communications from our lightweight C client
> running on a hodgepodge of AIX and SCO machines.  I'm not the author of the C
> program, so I really can't speak with authority, but I imagine it's not
> trivial.  I also have seen some of the Pg folks (Momjian for one, maybe
> Lane) post with some skepticism about the state of the SSL support, but I
> don't recall the details at the moment.
> > 10,000 clients eh'. I hope you have some beefy hardware :-)
> It's 10,000 clients, but talking to us only once every 15 minutes to an hour,
> and at very known intervals so we can kind of control the flow.  I was just
> wondering how well Pg would manage that many user accounts.  But yes, should
> we need to beef up the hardware, we do at least have the ability to do that
> quite liberally.
> Thanks for the input thus far!  I wish Perl was an option, I think I might
> have been able to leverage its DBI::ProxyServer to isolate the physical db
> from the internet a bit more.  Ah well, c'est la vie.
> -Fran
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

<COMPANY>CommandPrompt    - http://www.commandprompt.com    </COMPANY>
<PROJECT>OpenDocs, LLC.    - http://www.opendocs.org    </PROJECT>
<PROJECT>LinuxPorts     - http://www.linuxports.com     </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP        - http://www.linuxdoc.org    </WEBMASTER>
Instead of asking why a piece of software is using "1970s technology,"
start asking why software is ignoring 30 years of accumulated wisdom.

Re: looking for a secure

Joel Burton
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Fran Fabrizio wrote:

> - SSL?  is this even possible?  The db client on those 10,000 machines
> is going to be a very lightweight C program out of necessity (perl and
> other languages is not supported, these machines are old and often we
> don't have permission to install new languages on them anyway)
> - the sensitive data fields can be encrypted in some reversible but
> secure fashion when we store them in the database
> - we can use things like tripwire, etc... to detect any unauthorized
> access to the db server machine
> - i have a nagging feeling i'm not seeing the big picture.  does
> postgres have some other built-in security features that would help
> secure the box?  revers lookups, maybe? or something else?
> I'm really interested in seeing what other people have done to alleviate
> these types of concerns, and what if anything I am missing as I approach
> the problem.

PostgreSQL can use SSL; can you write a lightwight C program
that supports it well?

I don't think PG has any features like reverse lookups, etc., but you
could certainly set up a firewall to do so.

   PG <--> PG_FW <--> Internet

where PG_FW is a machine/process that only allows connections to port 5432
of PG if the IP address is on an approved list, or such.

Or, could you use a web app as the client program? Then, your connections
are coming just from your web server, and your clients can use any kind of
web authentication to connect to the web server.

Joel Burton   <jburton@scw.org>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington

Re: looking for a secure

Tom Lane
Fran Fabrizio <ffabrizio@mmrd.com> writes:
> Yeah, I know that it's straightforward to compile the SSL into the server,
> but the question on the SSL is more of how likely is it that we are going to
> be able to roll our own SSL communications from our lightweight C client
> running on a hodgepodge of AIX and SCO machines.

I doubt you want to roll your own; use the OpenSSL library.  Your real
question is "how portable is that library", and I have to admit I don't
know.  But try it.

> I also have seen some of the Pg folks (Momjian for one, maybe
> Lane) post with some skepticism about the state of the SSL support, but I
> don't recall the details at the moment.

It was broken in 7.0, but AFAIK it's OK in 7.1.

            regards, tom lane

Re: looking for a secure

Fran Fabrizio

Thanks for the feedback.  I am intrigued by the idea of having an app instead
of a database sitting outside the firewall.  I'm a web guy, and a web app
would be a neat idea, or maybe something like XML-RPC.  However, I think this
actually makes the clients more complicated than simpler, because then, if we
use Paul's XML fragment message for example, the clients need to know how to
parse and form XML messages.  If they can connect directly to Pg, that buys
us two things... 1. the clients just use the Pg library and standard SQL, and
2. we don't have to parse it into SQL when it gets to our end.

The other problem is I think the transfer of the actual binary patches is a
bit more complicated.  Yes, HTTP has no problems with transfering binaries in
the general sense, but I frankly don't have the foggiest idea how to write a
custom web client in C that can receive a binary file.  With Pg, you can use
it's method of handing back large objects and that seems pretty
straightforward (and more importantly, we've proof-of-concept'ed that part
whereas I wouldn't know where to begin to make Apache serve and a C client
receive a binary that came out of a database. =)  I'm sure it's not that
hard, probably involves just setting the appropriate content-type and
streaming it out, but there are probably a lot of nuances on both the server
and client side (the client side scares me; I'm not a C programmer, the guy
writing the C client is not a programmer at all, we're just doing it out of
necessity, so anything that makes the C as simple as possible makes us sleep
easier. =)  I guess it's all about playing to your strengths.)

Having just been out at the Open Source Conference all week, I'm pretty hot
on the idea of web apps/XML-RPC/Soap type services hanging out there on the
net, but I'm not sure this is the right application for it.  It would
certainly go a long ways towards isolating the Pg database, and that is a
Good Thing (tm), but then we introduce another "hop" before the data gets
into/out of the database.  If we can get the data into the database straight
away and in a secure fashion, I think that is what we would want ultimately.

Good stuff in this thread; lots of ideas not only for the current project but
for the future as well.  Thanks all!


Re: looking for a secure

Fran Fabrizio
Well, after aggregating all the feedback here and talking to my boss (he knows
more about SSL and the like) I think we've come up with a solution that fits...

The first part will be implementing SSL.  Apparently, he has managed to
successfully compile OpenSSL on the SCO and AIX boxes that we will be having as
clients.  This means that if he compiles Pg with SSL support on them, he should
be able to call for a SSL connection from the Pg library from his C client.
(Side note: is there any way to get client libraries onto a given machine without
having to install and compile all of Pg?  I remember looking for a
client-library-only type download for Pg, but I did not have success and I always
have to install Pg even if I just want to use it as a client)

In combination with SSL, we're considering putting a linux firewall in front of
the database which will indeed query the database for the known hosts and
configure it's rules accordingly.  Then we can do one of two things: we can
forward it such that the Pg database only sees the connections as coming from the
firewall and so we can restrict it to allow just that one IP and associate a
username/password with that one IP, or we can forward it with the original source
IPs intact and have Pg contain an account for each client and their IP (this
seems like a lot of work).

Well, we appear to be on the right track.  Thanks for all the insight, and if
anyone can shoot holes through my plan or has additional recommendations for
making it more secure, I'd love to hear it.

Oh, one last thing...all of these clients need SSL certificates (for another
aspect of our operation).  It would be great if we could leverage that fact to
use SSL not only for encryption but also for authentication via the
certificates.  However, I don't think there's any way to get the client to just
serve up the cert to Pg nor for the Pg server to do anything with it.  However,
if I'm wrong on that or if you can think of another way to leverage that client
cert, let me know!


Re: looking for a secure

Richard Huxton
Fran Fabrizio wrote:
> Scenario 2:  Same hardware setup as Scenario 1 but instead of
> replication we have a cron'ed perl script or psql script or something
> similar select from one db and insert into the other, and vice versa.
> Cons:  still have two seperate databases, not real time, seems like a
> hack to me

I pretty much agree with everything Paul Ramsey said in his reply, use a
modified version of Scenario 2 but have a separate app instead of a
database outside the firewall. You can keep the clients real simple then.

> - all 10,000 clients can get a separate Pg user account.  performance
> issues?  can we then restrict to a certain user/IP combo?  can we
> restrict what actions they can take, what tables they can see, or just
> whether or not they have access to the db?  does this even help?

Do this in your app. Obviously you can have 10,000 entries in a
user_access table without any difficulty.

> - SSL?  is this even possible?  The db client on those 10,000 machines
> is going to be a very lightweight C program out of necessity (perl and
> other languages is not supported, these machines are old and often we
> don't have permission to install new languages on them anyway)

Install openSSH and forward a port from the local machine to your
external server. Keeps the client app nice and simple, provides security
(and compression if they're on a phone-line).
I'd probably just use scp to move text-files to/from the server as
required. Leverage standard *nix user permissions to restrict what
files/folders they have access to. You say somewhere that clients only
connect every 15 mins so you'll be batching log messages anyway I presume.

> - the sensitive data fields can be encrypted in some reversible but
> secure fashion when we store them in the database

Not necessary if you are confident enough about your communication app.

> - we can use things like tripwire, etc... to detect any unauthorized
> access to the db server machine

Good idea anyway, but no use for people hacking the database itself.


- Richard Huxton

Re: looking for a secure

Svenne Krap
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 16:55:07 +0000 (UTC), ffabrizio@mmrd.com (Fran
Fabrizio) wrote:

>Here's our setup...

[huge snip]

Please consider, I do not know the exact demands for you application
or anything, but the following seems quite easier to maintain in my

You wrote you needed a C-program, what's wrong with making it all
webbased. Then your webserver could have two NICs, with the database
access on the internal one.
It also has the advantage, that use need only 1 account in the
database, the rest is just business logic.

For the webbased interfaces, unless you think about using a raw
interface like PhpPgAdmin (and write it yourself), it should be safe.
Ie. no need to worry about people seeing too much (as only the
webserver, with is reasonably trustworthy, access the data - using
scripts you control)


Mail usenet@krap.dk - svenne@krap.dk - PGP key id : 0xDF484022
ICQ: 5434480 - http://www.krap.dk - http://www.krap.net
PGP Key http://keys.pgp.dk:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDF484022

Re: Re: looking for a secure

Fran Fabrizio
> You wrote you needed a C-program, what's wrong with making it all
> webbased.

The problem (not really a problem but the issue) is that the client end is
a computer, not a human, so you'd still need some program to talk to the
web interface.  Since we don't have the luxury of something like Perl and
it's LWP libraries (that make it easy to write web clients), we'd still
need to write a web client in C.  Certainly quite possible, but not my
favorite choice (see my other responses for why I think in general a web
app might not be best).

> Then your webserver could have two NICs, with the database
> access on the internal one.

Not too worried about this, we have a very well established network here
behind two firewalls, and I can drop the Pg database in front of either, in
the middle, or behind both as I see fit.  Even better than two NICs in a
box. =)

> It also has the advantage, that use need only 1 account in the
> database, the rest is just business logic.

Yeah, this is an attractive option.  We can do the same thing by placing a
firewall in front instead of a web server.

My fault, though, for not specifying the parameters of my application more


Re: Re: looking for a secure


And why don't you have the luxury of using Perl?  If it has to be C, I think
there's a tool or two for converting Perl code to C that might be helpful....

I can understand not wanting to make it web based if there's no human
interaction.  Perl can talk directly to the database too...


Fran Fabrizio <ffabrizio%mmrd.com@interlock.lexmark.com> on 07/31/2001 03:43:51

To:   Svenne Krap <usenet%krap.dk@interlock.lexmark.com>
cc:   pgsql-general%postgresql.org@interlock.lexmark.com (bcc: Wesley
Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] Re: looking for a secure

> You wrote you needed a C-program, what's wrong with making it all
> webbased.

The problem (not really a problem but the issue) is that the client end is
a computer, not a human, so you'd still need some program to talk to the
web interface.  Since we don't have the luxury of something like Perl and
it's LWP libraries (that make it easy to write web clients), we'd still
need to write a web client in C.  Certainly quite possible, but not my
favorite choice (see my other responses for why I think in general a web
app might not be best).

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

Re: Re: looking for a secure

Fran Fabrizio
wsheldah@lexmark.com wrote:

> And why don't you have the luxury of using Perl?  If it has to be C, I think
> there's a tool or two for converting Perl code to C that might be helpful....

Because the client machines are not always owned by us.  In a few cases so far,
we've been specifically prohibited from installing new languages.  Plus, some of
the client machines are rather old AIX and SCO boxes and even when we do have
latitude to install perl, it's hard to either find a new enough/complete enough
binary or get one to build that has all of the necessary modules that we use.

> I can understand not wanting to make it web based if there's no human
> interaction.  Perl can talk directly to the database too...

Yep.  I use Perl to talk to Pg (and MySQL) extensively all the time.  (Side note:
Tim Bunce's Advanced DBI talk at the Open Source Conference was great last week,
anyone interested should check out the slides once O'Reilly makes them available
online).  Just don't have the liberty of that in this case, sadly.


Re: looking for a secure

merlyn@stonehenge.com (Randal L. Schwartz)
>>>>> "Fran" == Fran Fabrizio <ffabrizio@mmrd.com> writes:

Fran> Thanks for the input thus far!  I wish Perl was an option, I
Fran> think I might have been able to leverage its DBI::ProxyServer to
Fran> isolate the physical db from the internet a bit more.  Ah well,
Fran> c'est la vie.

And why isn't Perl an option?  Especially in a place using Pg instead
of Oracle!

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn@stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See PerlTraining.Stonehenge.com for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!