Обсуждение: Re: Coursor keys don't work in "psql"


Re: Coursor keys don't work in "psql"

reina@nsi.edu (Tony Reina)
Stuart Grimshaw <nospam@smgsystems.co.uk> wrote in message news:<81x97.56$O34.7220@wards>...
> Can anyone explain why my cursor keys don't work in psql?
> When I press one I get Up = ^[[A down = ^[[B etc.
> The last company I used to work for had the cursor keys working OK to
> scroll back through queries and cycle up & down through the last queries
> executed, so what might my problem be?

It sounds like your version of Postgres wasn't compiled with readline
libraries. You (or your system administrator) will need to re-compile
and make sure that the libraries are installed on your system and
found by the Postgres configure script during installation.
