Обсуждение: Showing locks


Showing locks

Laurent HERVE
Actually, client applications don't know the status of database locks. I
searched all archives since July, 2000 for something about locks.
I found that a SHOW command is suggested for showing locks.

Knowing exactly what is going on with locks is important with multi-user
applications. So my request is :

    1) Showing locks existing in the database is very important. But, if a
SHOW command is defined, it should list all locks in the database, which type
(Access Exclusive, ...) on which resource (oid) and which user get it. And
which is very important, it must help an administrator to know which user
blocks which other users on which resource.

    2) It could be very interesting that you can manage locks in your
client applications. Especially, imagine you sent a query to the backend in the
asynchronous mode, you just know that query is busy today but you don't know if
the backend is processing something or waiting for a lock. I think a function
that can tell the client application that the backend is waiting for a resource
actually held by "toto" user. Thus, you can decide in the client application to
cancel the query or to wait again.

I hope my requests are enough clear. If the is more information related i
didn't find in the searchable lists, please tell me.
