Обсуждение: many junction tables


many junction tables

Eric Kolve
I was wondering if anyone has a solution to the following problem.  I
have a few tables similar to the following.




If I want to associate a person with a one or more cities.  I need to
create a city_persons table that contains just the primary keys of both
the city_table and person_table.  If I want to associate a person to
many companies, I have to do a similar thing.  Now, if I wan to
generalize these associaes I can create something like an associate
table which will contain both id's plus two columns which indicate the
source and target tables of the relaionship.  Does anyone have
suggestions along these lines on how to generalize such relationships?



Re: many junction tables

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 07:52:59AM -0700, Eric Kolve wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has a solution to the following problem.  I
> have a few tables similar to the following.
> person_table
> city_table
> company_table
> If I want to associate a person with a one or more cities.  I need to
> create a city_persons table that contains just the primary keys of both
> the city_table and person_table.  If I want to associate a person to
> many companies, I have to do a similar thing.  Now, if I wan to
> generalize these associaes I can create something like an associate
> table which will contain both id's plus two columns which indicate the
> source and target tables of the relaionship.  Does anyone have
> suggestions along these lines on how to generalize such relationships?

Other people will no doubt give better answers, but:

The generalisation you describe is not really possible in SQL, since you're
not allowed to use data in places where table names are required. You could
fake it with functions however.

Secondly, it's not really clear that generalisation in that is really
useful. It doesn't help performance, It's certainly not clear what's going
on. And you won't find what you describe in any book on database design.
it's simply not done.

The only case I know where you may link to different tables is in the case of
inheritance. But that's a clearly defined idea with constraints as to what
is possible.

Maybe you can describe what you are trying to acheive (if there is more to
that what is described above).
> thanks,
> --eric
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Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
> Magnetism, electricity and motion are like a three-for-two special offer:
> if you have two of them, the third one comes free.

Re: many junction tables

Arne Weiner
I don't understand what exactly your problem is. What
what makes me unsure is: why do you want to store the
target table names in the association table?

Eric Kolve wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has a solution to the following problem.  I
> have a few tables similar to the following.
> person_table
> city_table
> company_table
> If I want to associate a person with a one or more cities.  I need to
> create a city_persons table that contains just the primary keys of both
> the city_table and person_table.  If I want to associate a person to
> many companies, I have to do a similar thing.  Now, if I wan to
> generalize these associaes I can create something like an associate
> table which will contain both id's plus two columns which indicate the
> source and target tables of the relaionship.  Does anyone have
> suggestions along these lines on how to generalize such relationships?
> thanks,
> --eric
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Re: many junction tables

E Kolve
The idea is this.  Suppose I had say 40 or 50 tables like city or
company (schools, purchases, etc) where I want to have a one to many
relationship (One person can purchase many things, one person can attend
many schools) I would have to create many junction tables
(school_persons, purchase_persons, etc). What I am looking for is a
solution to creating all these tables, if at all possible.


Arne Weiner wrote:
> I don't understand what exactly your problem is. What
> what makes me unsure is: why do you want to store the
> target table names in the association table?
> Eric Kolve wrote:
> >
> > I was wondering if anyone has a solution to the following problem.  I
> > have a few tables similar to the following.
> >
> > person_table
> >
> > city_table
> >
> > company_table
> >
> > If I want to associate a person with a one or more cities.  I need to
> > create a city_persons table that contains just the primary keys of both
> > the city_table and person_table.  If I want to associate a person to
> > many companies, I have to do a similar thing.  Now, if I wan to
> > generalize these associaes I can create something like an associate
> > table which will contain both id's plus two columns which indicate the
> > source and target tables of the relaionship.  Does anyone have
> > suggestions along these lines on how to generalize such relationships?
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > --eric
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> > subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
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Re: many junction tables

Arne Weiner
Oh, Ok. Now I understand. It seems that there is no solution
using SQL without using inheritance. I had some Ideas but postgres
has weird sematics (not conforming SQL99) using inheritance and so
it didn't work. But you should not - as you suggested - store the
tablenames in a "assocciation" table. That is no clean database design.
If I can get my ideas running, I'll post you.


E Kolve wrote:
> The idea is this.  Suppose I had say 40 or 50 tables like city or
> company (schools, purchases, etc) where I want to have a one to many
> relationship (One person can purchase many things, one person can attend
> many schools) I would have to create many junction tables
> (school_persons, purchase_persons, etc). What I am looking for is a
> solution to creating all these tables, if at all possible.
> --eric
> Arne Weiner wrote:
> >
> > I don't understand what exactly your problem is. What
> > what makes me unsure is: why do you want to store the
> > target table names in the association table?
> >
> > Eric Kolve wrote:
> > >
> > > I was wondering if anyone has a solution to the following problem.  I
> > > have a few tables similar to the following.
> > >
> > > person_table
> > >
> > > city_table
> > >
> > > company_table
> > >
> > > If I want to associate a person with a one or more cities.  I need to
> > > create a city_persons table that contains just the primary keys of both
> > > the city_table and person_table.  If I want to associate a person to
> > > many companies, I have to do a similar thing.  Now, if I wan to
> > > generalize these associaes I can create something like an associate
> > > table which will contain both id's plus two columns which indicate the
> > > source and target tables of the relaionship.  Does anyone have
> > > suggestions along these lines on how to generalize such relationships?
> > >
> > > thanks,
> > >
> > > --eric
> > >
> > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > > TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> > > subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
> > > message can get through to the mailing list cleanly
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

Re: many junction tables

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 10:22:19AM -0700, E Kolve wrote:
> The idea is this.  Suppose I had say 40 or 50 tables like city or
> company (schools, purchases, etc) where I want to have a one to many
> relationship (One person can purchase many things, one person can attend
> many schools) I would have to create many junction tables
> (school_persons, purchase_persons, etc). What I am looking for is a
> solution to creating all these tables, if at all possible.

Well, for one-to-many relationships you don't need separate tables. Only
many-to-many relationships need that. And most of the time a many-to-many
relationship needs more than just the two fields.

For example, students and classes have a many-to-many relationship, but just
a simple two column table is not enough, what you really need it a new
enrolment table which has the two fields and also any other information
related (like grades, etc).

Since you only create the schema once, you can just generate a script to
create them for you. Yes, you'll get a lot of tables, but it's a complex data

So in the end all you have is one-many relationships.

Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
> Magnetism, electricity and motion are like a three-for-two special offer:
> if you have two of them, the third one comes free.