Обсуждение: chunk size problem


chunk size problem

Martín Marqués
I started getting these error messages

webunl=> \dt
NOTICE:  AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in
TransactionCommandContext 3a4608 pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel
         This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
         before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost.
Attempting reset: Failed.

The logs on the first times today I had these problems said this:

Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-1] DEBUG:
query: SELECT c.relname as "Name", 'table'::text as "Type", u.usename as
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-2] FROM
pg_class c, pg_user u
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-3] WHERE
c.relowner = u.usesysid AND c.relkind = 'r'
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-4]   AND
c.relname !~ '^pg_'
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-5] UNION
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-6] SELECT
c.relname as "Name", 'table'::text as "Type", NULL as "Owner"
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-7] FROM
pg_class c
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-8] WHERE
c.relkind = 'r'
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-9]   AND
not exists (select 1 from pg_user where usesysid = c.relowner)
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-10]   AND
c.relname !~ '^pg_'
Sep 14 10:55:41 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 748848 local0.debug] [12-11] ORDER
BY "Name"
Sep 14 10:55:42 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 553393 local0.notice] [13] NOTICE:
AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in TransactionCommandContext
Sep 14 10:55:42 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 553393 local0.notice] [14] NOTICE:
AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in TransactionCommandContext
Sep 14 10:55:42 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 553393 local0.notice] [15] NOTICE:
AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in TransactionCommandContext
Sep 14 10:55:42 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 553393 local0.notice] [16] NOTICE:
AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in TransactionCommandContext
Sep 14 10:55:42 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 553393 local0.notice] [17] NOTICE:
AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in TransactionCommandContext
Sep 14 10:55:42 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 553393 local0.notice] [18] NOTICE:
AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in TransactionCommandContext
Sep 14 10:55:42 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 553393 local0.notice] [19] NOTICE:
AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in TransactionCommandContext
Sep 14 10:55:42 bugs postgres[1318]: [ID 553393 local0.notice] [20] NOTICE:
AllocSetFree: detected write past chunk end in TransactionCommandContext

Any idea? Some databases are screwed up

Saludos... :-)

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués                  |        mmarques@unl.edu.ar
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral