Обсуждение: MySQL development MUST immdediately cease - Due to GlobalEconomic condition..


MySQL development MUST immdediately cease - Due to GlobalEconomic condition..

This is a immediate order to COMPLETELY STOP and CEASE all development
of MySQL database server.
This is due to rapid changes in the Global Economic conditions..

You do not have time to deal with one powerful SQL server like
PostgreSQL, where do you have time to
deal with two types of SQL servers. Question is why have two??

There is no time to deal with two open source SQL servers. After doing
research, it is recommended
that you stick with just PostgreSQL. With huge amount of efforts MySQL
can be brought closer to PostgreSQL
level (and perhaps it may NEVER be possible to bring MySQL to the level
of technology of PostgreSQL). Even
if it is done it will be a  waste of time..

The WORLD economy started taking nose dive for the last 2 years.
Last year a mild global economic recession  started which forced
thousands of companies world-wide closing down.
Last year millions of dot-com went bust.

It is predicted that there is a impending "World-War-III" like situation
is developing in the middle-east and Afghanistan
which may have significant effect in Asian and European countries.
But that may NOT have lot of economic effects on North/South American
countries like Brazil, USA, Canada, Mexico..

Nevertheless, overall economy of the globe will get the impact.

And, hence drop off the MySQL now and migrate all your data to

By the way, PostgreSQL runs on all platforms - All unixes, linux, Apple
Macintosh and MS Windows 98/NT/2000

Re: MySQL development MUST immdediately cease - Due to

Lincoln Yeoh

What's with this?


Always follow the doctor's prescription when taking medication. When in
doubt clarify with the doctor.

At 01:19 AM 9/17/01 GMT, peace_flower wrote:
>This is a immediate order to COMPLETELY STOP and CEASE all development
>of MySQL database server.
>This is due to rapid changes in the Global Economic conditions..
>You do not have time to deal with one powerful SQL server like
>PostgreSQL, where do you have time to

Re: [HACKERS] MySQL development MUST immdediately cease - Due to

Stephan Szabo
Quick question... Am I the only person getting
rather annoyed by these messages that have
started coming through recently?  Once was
okay, but this is getting rediculous.

RRules using existing data

Brett Schwarz
I have a table that keeps permissions for other tables in the database.
What I want to do is create a rule that will insert into the permissions
table a default permission whenever a table row is inserted. Within the
permission table, I keep the default permissions to use for each table.
I index these by using a table_id=0. So, the rule would need to get the
default permission, and insert a new row into the permissions table. The
(abbreviated) perm table would look something like this:

id        SERIAL,
table_name    varchar(30),
table_id    integer,
permission    integer

example default settings for each table
INSERT INTO perm ('table1', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO perm ('table2', 0, 1);

so, whenever a row in another table is inserted, I want to update the
perm table with the default perm.

I tried this rule:

CREATE RULE insert_perm_table1 AS
    ON INSERT TO table1
    INSERT INTO perm (table_name, table_id, permission)              SELECT
table_name, new.table1_id, permission
        FROM perm
        WHERE table_name='table1' and table_id=0;

So, basically I am taking the default entry, and substituting the
table_id of 0 for the new one, and then inserting. The rule executes,
but I get different table_ids for the 2 tables (table1 and perm). The
table1 entry has an 'table_id' of one greater than the perm table entry.

Anyone have any idea why? Is there a better solution (triggers maybe)?



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Re: [HACKERS] MySQL development MUST immdediately cease - Due to

Justin Clift
To whoever sent this posting (being Al Dev, or someone spoofing),

Please stop posting to the PostgreSQL mailing lists.

You are not helping PostgreSQL with your postings, instead you are
inciting anger and hostility.

Cease and desist these postings immediately.

Justin Clift

peace_flower wrote:
> This is a immediate order to COMPLETELY STOP and CEASE all development
> of MySQL database server.
> This is due to rapid changes in the Global Economic conditions..
> You do not have time to deal with one powerful SQL server like
> PostgreSQL, where do you have time to
> deal with two types of SQL servers. Question is why have two??
> There is no time to deal with two open source SQL servers. After doing
> research, it is recommended
> that you stick with just PostgreSQL. With huge amount of efforts MySQL
> can be brought closer to PostgreSQL
> level (and perhaps it may NEVER be possible to bring MySQL to the level
> of technology of PostgreSQL). Even
> if it is done it will be a  waste of time..
> The WORLD economy started taking nose dive for the last 2 years.
> Last year a mild global economic recession  started which forced
> thousands of companies world-wide closing down.
> Last year millions of dot-com went bust.
> It is predicted that there is a impending "World-War-III" like situation
> is developing in the middle-east and Afghanistan
> which may have significant effect in Asian and European countries.
> But that may NOT have lot of economic effects on North/South American
> countries like Brazil, USA, Canada, Mexico..
> Nevertheless, overall economy of the globe will get the impact.
> And, hence drop off the MySQL now and migrate all your data to
> PostgreSQL..
> By the way, PostgreSQL runs on all platforms - All unixes, linux, Apple
> Macintosh and MS Windows 98/NT/2000
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
     - Indira Gandhi