Обсуждение: Sub-select testing group membership (Arrays)


Sub-select testing group membership (Arrays)

Neal Lindsay
I am trying to us subselects to test if users are in certain groups.
Here is my actual query:

SELECT e.initials, c.ln, c.mi, c.fn, c.pre, c.post, u.usesysid, (SELECT
(grolist *= u.usesysid) FROM pg_group WHERE groname = 'manager_group')
AS in_managers, (SELECT (grolist *= u.usesysid) FROM pg_group WHERE
groname = 'admin_group') AS in_admin FROM (pg_user AS u INNER JOIN
employee AS e ON u.usesysid = e.fusesysid) INNER JOIN contact AS c ON
e.fcontactid = c.contactid

As you can see, I want the fields in_admin and in_managers to to contain
boolean values that I can use to enable certain features in my
front-end.  However, when I execute the query I get this error:
ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator '*=' for types '_int4' and 'int4'
         You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast

When I try using explicit casts, I get the following error:
ERROR:  Cannot cast type '_int4' to 'int4'

or if I try it the other way:
ERROR:  Cannot cast type 'int4' to '_int4'

What do I need to do to test these arrays for membership?

Re: Sub-select testing group membership (Arrays)

Keary Suska
The *= operator is not part of the standard Postgres build. You have to add
an explicit extension from the contributions directory of the source tree.
Did you do this? It seems to me that Postgres is not recognizing that

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Leveraging Open Source for a better Internet"

> From: Neal Lindsay <neal.lindsay@peaofohio.com>
> Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 08:52:49 -0400
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: [GENERAL] Sub-select testing group membership (Arrays)
> I am trying to us subselects to test if users are in certain groups.
> Here is my actual query:
> SELECT e.initials, c.ln, c.mi, c.fn, c.pre, c.post, u.usesysid, (SELECT
> (grolist *= u.usesysid) FROM pg_group WHERE groname = 'manager_group')
> AS in_managers, (SELECT (grolist *= u.usesysid) FROM pg_group WHERE
> groname = 'admin_group') AS in_admin FROM (pg_user AS u INNER JOIN
> employee AS e ON u.usesysid = e.fusesysid) INNER JOIN contact AS c ON
> e.fcontactid = c.contactid
> As you can see, I want the fields in_admin and in_managers to to contain
> boolean values that I can use to enable certain features in my
> front-end.  However, when I execute the query I get this error:
> ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator '*=' for types '_int4' and 'int4'
> You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast
> When I try using explicit casts, I get the following error:
> ERROR:  Cannot cast type '_int4' to 'int4'
> or if I try it the other way:
> ERROR:  Cannot cast type 'int4' to '_int4'
> What do I need to do to test these arrays for membership?
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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