Обсуждение: database development


database development

Lee Doolan
I am developing a website which has a postgres database as one
  of its components.  During development, it is not uncommon to
  have to add a new attribute to a table, nor is it uncommon to
  add an entirely new table to the schema when changes are made
  to the system design --usually subsequent to a meeting
  attended by the sales and mgt folks, but I shouldn't get
  started on _that_.

In order to maintain the database schema, I started out by using
  a script like this one which I kept stored in my source

    SCRIPT>    #!/bin/bash
    SCRIPT>                            [. . .]
    SCRIPT>    ########################################################################
    SCRIPT>    #                   A S _ A N O N _ U S E R _ S E Q                       #
    SCRIPT>    ########################################################################
    SCRIPT>    #  this sequence is incremented every time a new anonymous user is
    SCRIPT>    #  created in the database
    SCRIPT>    echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    SCRIPT>    echo "Creating as_anon_user_seq"
    SCRIPT>    psql -U "allseer"  $ALLSEER_DBNAME <<-EOF
    SCRIPT>        create sequence as_anon_user_seq;
    SCRIPT>    EOF
    SCRIPT>                            [. . .]
    SCRIPT>    ########################################################################
    SCRIPT>    #                        A S _ P R O J E C T S                           #
    SCRIPT>    ########################################################################
    SCRIPT>    echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    SCRIPT>    echo "Creating as_projects"
    SCRIPT>    psql -U "allseer"  $ALLSEER_DBNAME <<-EOF
    SCRIPT>        create table as_projects (
    SCRIPT>            proj_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    SCRIPT>            proj_name text UNIQUE,
    SCRIPT>            proj_url text,
    SCRIPT>            proj_descr text,
    SCRIPT>            created timestamp,
    SCRIPT>            modified timestamp default now());
    SCRIPT>        grant all on as_projects to public;
    SCRIPT>    EOF
    SCRIPT>                            [. . .]

Then, any time I wanted to change the schema, I would change the
  script, rerun it and, voila! an improved database.

Somewhere along the line, I decided to stop maintaining the
  script and to use pg_dump and pg_restore to maintain both the
  schema and the data.  This decision is one which I sometimes
  regret but, hey, I could get back to the shell script form in
  a few hours if I really wanted to.

My question is this: what techniques do other developers use in
  these circumstances?


Re: database development

Doug McNaught
Lee Doolan <rldoolanREMOVE@pacbell.net> writes:

> In order to maintain the database schema, I started out by using
>   a script like this one which I kept stored in my source
>   repository:


> Then, any time I wanted to change the schema, I would change the
>   script, rerun it and, voila! an improved database.
> Somewhere along the line, I decided to stop maintaining the
>   script and to use pg_dump and pg_restore to maintain both the
>   schema and the data.  This decision is one which I sometimes
>   regret but, hey, I could get back to the shell script form in
>   a few hours if I really wanted to.
> My question is this: what techniques do other developers use in
>   these circumstances?

Well, I use a tool (Enhydra/DODS) that generates the schema and Java
access classes for me, and I have a CreateInitialData class that does
whatever population is necessary.  When the dev schema changes, I blow
away the whole DB and recreate it, then rerun CreateInitialData.  So
it's not too different from your shell script approach.  Clients are
told that any data they put in the system during development can go
away without notice.

For production changes to the schema (which have been quite rare) I
write custom SQL to do ALTER TABLE or whatever.  Postgres has made
this difficult on a few occasions (eg due to lack of ALTER TABLE DROP
CONSTRAINT) but so far nothing that can't be worked around.


Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.
   --T. J. Jackson, 1863

Re: database development

Haroldo Stenger
Doug McNaught wrote:
> > My question is this: what techniques do other developers use in
> >   these circumstances?
> Well, I use a tool (Enhydra/DODS) that generates the schema and Java
> access classes for me, and I have a CreateInitialData class that does
> whatever population is necessary.  When the dev schema changes, I blow
> away the whole DB and recreate it, then rerun CreateInitialData.  So
> it's not too different from your shell script approach.  Clients are
> told that any data they put in the system during development can go
> away without notice.

Would you please describe Enhydra tool? A quick look at its website, didn't tell
me a complete picture.


Re: database development

Doug McNaught
Haroldo Stenger <hstenger@adinet.com.uy> writes:

> Doug McNaught wrote:

> > Well, I use a tool (Enhydra/DODS) that generates the schema and Java
> > access classes for me, and I have a CreateInitialData class that does
> > whatever population is necessary.  When the dev schema changes, I blow
> > away the whole DB and recreate it, then rerun CreateInitialData.  So
> > it's not too different from your shell script approach.  Clients are
> > told that any data they put in the system during development can go
> > away without notice.
> Would you please describe Enhydra tool? A quick look at its website,
> didn't tell me a complete picture.

Basically, you design your schema in a Java GUI app (called DODS, for
Data Object Design Studio).  It generates the SQL to create your
database, and also generates Java classes that implement an "object
layer" over that schema.  You don't (generally) have to write and
submit your own queries; you can "build" them by calls to a generated
API.  Referenced rows in other tables are fetched automatically and
instantiated as object references.

It's pretty tightly tied into the Enhydra web application framework
(which we use for most of what we do), so it may not be super-useful
on its own.  I like it though.

[The Java GUI app is slow and occasionally buggy.  Luckily, it stores
 the schema as XML, so we nowadays just edit the XML by hand and tell
 DODS to generate its output without putting up the GUI.  Much less

Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.
   --T. J. Jackson, 1863