Обсуждение: Incremental Backups...


Incremental Backups...

"Ian Harding"
Thanks for the feedback.  I am just getting this database on line so the dump file is relatively small (5 mb).  It
compressesto 1/8 that size, so I could do 8 backups a day and zip them for the same space.  I tried the RCS trick, it
workedvery well and very quickly with this small backup file.  I could do more frequent backups that way without
increasingsize too much.  I think I will start with both, squirrelling away zipped backups and doing incremental diffs
inRCS to see how they scale.  Hard drive space is not an issue and won't be for a while, just planning ahead. 

Ian A. Harding
Programmer/Analyst II
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
(253) 798-3549
mailto: ianh@tpchd.org