Обсуждение: Starting PosgreSQL at bootup time


Starting PosgreSQL at bootup time

I have just finished installing PostgreSQL, now I'd like to start
PostgreSQL server at boot up time. How do I go about this?

Re: Starting PosgreSQL at bootup time


This depends on your operating system. Please include your operating system name
and version number, and the version of postgresql you're using.

In general, if you're using a unix-like OS, just add to your startup script the
command you used to start postgresql manually. I think there are some suggested
scripts at http://techdocs.postgresql.org.


Wes Sheldahl

Mayan <escalante%canada.com@interlock.lexmark.com> on 11/27/2001 11:38:44 PM

To:   pgsql-general%postgresql.org@interlock.lexmark.com
cc:    (bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  [GENERAL] Starting PosgreSQL at bootup time

I have just finished installing PostgreSQL, now I'd like to start
PostgreSQL server at boot up time. How do I go about this?

Re: Starting PosgreSQL at bootup time

I am so very sorry, I was not thinking strait when I posted the
message. I GOT to take a vacation soon.

Anyway, I am running Linux Debian on a P-133, and I am installing
PostgreSQL 7.1.3.

Thanks in advance

I have just finished installing PostgreSQL, now I'd like to start
PostgreSQL server at boot up time. How do I go about this?
If I had a rocket launcher, I'd've killed that son of a bitch.

Re: Starting PosgreSQL at bootup time

"Nick Fankhauser"
> I have just finished installing PostgreSQL, now I'd like to start the
> PostgreSQL server at boot up time. How do I go about this?

Are you installing using the debian package? When I used the deb package
recently for 7.1.3, it installed in about 5 minutes using dselect without
any problems, and also set up a script for starting postmaster automatically
on boot-up. (Well done, Oliver!)

If you aren't using the debian package, e-mail me off-list & I'll send you a
copy of the startup script from the debian package. (But only if you promise
to holster that rocket-launcher <grin>.)


Nick Fankhauser  nickf@ontko.com  Phone 1.765.935.4283  Fax 1.765.962.9788
Ray Ontko & Co.     Software Consulting Services     http://www.ontko.com/

Re: Starting PosgreSQL at bootup time

"Tim Barnard"
Copy the script "linux" found under the contrib directory
"contrib/start-scripts" to your init.d directory, or debian's equivalent.
For RedHat it's /etc/rc.d/init.d.  Note: I renamed the script postgresql.
Edit the script so that PGDATA points to your data directory.
Manually test the script first.
Type "postgresql start" (omitting the quotes) to make sure it start ok.
Use "ps" to make sure it started ok.
Type "postgresql stop" (again omitting the quotes) to stop the backend.
Since I'm running a RedHat distro, the last step was to setup a link under
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d that points to /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql. You'll likely
have to do something similar for debian.
And that's all there was to it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Fankhauser" <nickf@ontko.com>
To: "Mayan" <escalante@canada.com>; <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Starting PosgreSQL at bootup time

> > I have just finished installing PostgreSQL, now I'd like to start the
> > PostgreSQL server at boot up time. How do I go about this?
> Are you installing using the debian package? When I used the deb package
> recently for 7.1.3, it installed in about 5 minutes using dselect without
> any problems, and also set up a script for starting postmaster
> on boot-up. (Well done, Oliver!)
> If you aren't using the debian package, e-mail me off-list & I'll send you
> copy of the startup script from the debian package. (But only if you
> to holster that rocket-launcher <grin>.)
> -Nick
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nick Fankhauser  nickf@ontko.com  Phone 1.765.935.4283  Fax 1.765.962.9788
> Ray Ontko & Co.     Software Consulting Services     http://www.ontko.com/
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
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