Обсуждение: Can't login/createdb


Can't login/createdb

Joe Koenig
This is the stupidest thing ever and I'm sure I'm missing something
simple, but here goes:

I installed postgres and started it up as the post-installation-notes
file says to do. It starts up just fine, but I cannot log into the
interactive monitor, nor can I create any databases, even as root. I
checked the pg_hba.conf file and it is set to let all local users log
in. Whenver I type:


to try and log in, I get FATAL 1:  Database "username" does not exist in
the system catalog. I've used pgsql before, but never installed it, so I
assume I missed something stupid, but looking back through the docs I'm
still missing it. Can anyone help me? Thanks,


Re: Can't login/createdb

Doug McNaught
Joe Koenig <joe@jwebmedia.com> writes:

> I installed postgres and started it up as the post-installation-notes
> file says to do. It starts up just fine, but I cannot log into the
> interactive monitor, nor can I create any databases, even as root. I
> checked the pg_hba.conf file and it is set to let all local users log
> in. Whenver I type:
> psql
> to try and log in, I get FATAL 1:  Database "username" does not exist in
> the system catalog. I've used pgsql before, but never installed it, so I
> assume I missed something stupid, but looking back through the docs I'm
> still missing it. Can anyone help me? Thanks,

What you need to do:

1) Become user 'postgres' (or whatever the postmaster is running
   as)--this is the Postgres superuser.
2) Run "createuser" to create other allowed users.
3) Run "createdb" to create other databases.
4) Use "psql <dbname>" to connect to them.

Make sense?

Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.
   --T. J. Jackson, 1863

Re: Can't login/createdb

Dado Feigenblatt
by default psql conects to a database by the same name as the user.
So you have two problems here.

There's no user or database named joe (assuming that's your username on
your system)
On a fresh install there's only one user, postgres, and only one
database to login, template1.

psql -U postgres template1

This should.
Once connected, create an user for you (and any other you might need).
You might want ot give it permissions to create DB's and users.


On a brand new installation

Joe Koenig wrote:

>This is the stupidest thing ever and I'm sure I'm missing something
>simple, but here goes:
>I installed postgres and started it up as the post-installation-notes
>file says to do. It starts up just fine, but I cannot log into the
>interactive monitor, nor can I create any databases, even as root. I
>checked the pg_hba.conf file and it is set to let all local users log
>in. Whenver I type:
>to try and log in, I get FATAL 1:  Database "username" does not exist in
>the system catalog. I've used pgsql before, but never installed it, so I
>assume I missed something stupid, but looking back through the docs I'm
>still missing it. Can anyone help me? Thanks,
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

Dado Feigenblatt                                 Wild Brain, Inc.
Technical Director                               (415) 216-2053
dado@wildbrain.com                               San Francisco, CA.

Re: Can't login/createdb

Joe Koenig
Alright, I've got that taken care of now. Thanks to everyone who
responded. Next dumb question - I need to be able to connect to postgres
from PHP - I know that I need to start it up with the '-i' option, but I
need to make sure it starts up with that option when the machine
reboots. I found the 010.pgsql.sh file and it says to edit
$PG_DATA/postgresql.conf - so I went to my data dir and uncommented the
line that said 'tcpip_socket = false' and changed it to true. When
trying to connect from PHP, I get an error stating:

Warning: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: pqReadData() -- backend
closed the channel unexpectedly. This probably means the backend
terminated abnormally before or while processing the request.

I'm sure that, once again, I'm missing something simple (Yes, I did stop
and restart the postmaster :) Thanks,

By the way, this is FreeBSD 4.3 with PHP 4.0.6


wsheldah@lexmark.com wrote:
> Use `su -` to be come root, then `su - postgres` to become the postgres
> superuser. Then you can connect to the database via psql and add other users,
> and give yourself database superuser permissions if you want. Assuming you're on
> a unix-like system of course.
> It's always good to mention your OS including version, and the version of
> Postgres you're using. But this should get you going. Have fun!
> Wes Sheldahl
> Joe Koenig <joe%jwebmedia.com@interlock.lexmark.com> on 12/05/2001 03:30:06 PM
> Please respond to joe%jwebmedia.com@interlock.lexmark.com
> To:   pgsql-general%postgresql.org@interlock.lexmark.com
> cc:    (bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
> Subject:  [GENERAL] Can't login/createdb
> This is the stupidest thing ever and I'm sure I'm missing something
> simple, but here goes:
> I installed postgres and started it up as the post-installation-notes
> file says to do. It starts up just fine, but I cannot log into the
> interactive monitor, nor can I create any databases, even as root. I
> checked the pg_hba.conf file and it is set to let all local users log
> in. Whenver I type:
> psql
> to try and log in, I get FATAL 1:  Database "username" does not exist in
> the system catalog. I've used pgsql before, but never installed it, so I
> assume I missed something stupid, but looking back through the docs I'm
> still missing it. Can anyone help me? Thanks,
> Joe
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

Re: Can't login/createdb

Doug McNaught
Joe Koenig <joe@jwebmedia.com> writes:

> Alright, I've got that taken care of now. Thanks to everyone who
> responded. Next dumb question - I need to be able to connect to postgres
> from PHP - I know that I need to start it up with the '-i' option, but I
> need to make sure it starts up with that option when the machine
> reboots.

Are you sure?  If PHP uses libpq than it should be able to use Unix
domain sockets (on the same machine of course).

>                    I found the 010.pgsql.sh file and it says to edit
> $PG_DATA/postgresql.conf - so I went to my data dir and uncommented the
> line that said 'tcpip_socket = false' and changed it to true. When
> trying to connect from PHP, I get an error stating:
> Warning: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: pqReadData() -- backend
> closed the channel unexpectedly. This probably means the backend
> terminated abnormally before or while processing the request.

Well, this is either a backend crash (bad) or possibly an
authentication failure.  What do your logs say?  Are there any core
files in $PGDATA?

Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.
   --T. J. Jackson, 1863