Обсуждение: Re: [SQL] nexval error duplicate key


Re: [SQL] nexval error duplicate key

>Hi Ron,
>On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, ron wrote:
>>  I set up a table
>>  field
>>    id
>>    name_insert
>>  I used the code something like the following:
>>  CREATE TABLE name_table (
>>           id   SERIAL,
>>           name_insert TEXT
>>       );
>>  When I use postgresql admin I get DATA 2
>>  the number is OUT of order
>Order doesn't matter.

**** some how it got deleted here ****

I would update one of the records in the middle so that the number
sheme would be like

1 john
2 mary
3 smith

then in the modification it would be (if I modified 2 mary)

1 john
3 smith
2 bertha

Then if I added a new record I would get a duplication error

>>  NOW when I add a new value
>>  it give me an error that states:
>>  --------------------------------------------------------
>>  Error Occurred While Processing Request
>>  Error Diagnostic Information
>>  ODBC Error Code = 08S01 (Communication link failure)
>>  Error while executing the query; ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key
>>  into unique index name_pkey
>>  The error occurred while processing an element with a general
>>  identifier of (CFQUERY), occupying document position (1:61) to
>>  (1:110).
>>  --------------------------------------------------------
>What does your INSERT statement look like?  You'd want something like
>this ...
>INSERT INTO name_table (name_insert) VALUES ("Mary");
>This lets postgres deal with the id numbering itself.
>- James

Yip I use

<CFQUERY datasource="data_name"  NAME="field_name">

           INSERT INTO field_here





this is here  then when I update then insert that's when I get the error

Ron Sattar


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