Обсуждение: Re: libpq++ and threads


Re: libpq++ and threads

"Tim Barnard"
Incidently, there evidently are problems with libpq++ (see past
discussions). You might want to look at using libpqxx, available from
http://members.ams.chello.nl/j.vermeulen31/. As far as I know libpq++ is not
being actively maintained, whereas libpqxx is.


----- Original Message -----
From: <jtv@xs4all.nl>
To: <gtm@oracom.com>
Cc: <pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: libpq++ and threads

> > I am new to libpq++ so if this was asked already I am sorry (I have
> > searched the logs).  I have written a threaded app which I am moving to
> > interface with a postgres database.  Tha app receives messages and
> > passes each message to a thread with inserts or updates the database.
> > I have one pgDatabase object which all the threads use.  Can these
> > threads all access that object or do I need to syncronize them?
> That's strictly a libpq issue; libpq++ builds on top of that, but doesn't
> add any threading problems on top of that that I'm aware of.  So if it
> works under libpq, it's going to work on libpq++ and vice versa.  (Unless
> I'm very much mistaken, of course.)
> Jeroen
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