Обсуждение: Referential integrity violation


Referential integrity violation

 Hi all.

 I have a cuious problem. First look at my tables:

create table aviso (
    número        serial primary key,
    fecha        date default CURRENT_DATE,
    hora        time default CURRENT_TIME,
    usuario        int4 references empleado(cod),
    procedencia    int4 references procedencia,
    línea        int4 references línea,
    empresa        int4 references empresa,
    urgente        bool    default 'f',
    estado        int4 references estado,
    fecha_terminado    date,
    orden        int4,
    detalle        text
create index avi_fecha_ndx on aviso (fecha);
create index avi_hora_ndx on aviso (hora);
create index avi_usuario_ndx on aviso (usuario);
create index avi_procedencia_ndx on aviso (procedencia);
create index avi_linea_ndx on aviso (línea);
create index avi_empresa_ndx on aviso (empresa);
create index avi_urgente_ndx on aviso (urgente);
create unique index avi_orden_ndx on aviso (orden);
create index avi_estado_ndx on aviso (estado);
create index avi_fecha_terminado_ndx on aviso (fecha_terminado);

create table transferencia (
    aviso        int4,
    técnico        int4,
    fecha        date default current_date,
    hora        time default current_time,
    importe        float,
    concepto    int4,
    a_caja        boolean default false

create table gasto (
    cod        serial primary key,
    foreign key (técnico) references empleado(cod),
    foreign key    (aviso) references aviso(número),
    foreign key (concepto) references concepto_gasto(cod)
) inherits (transferencia);
create index gasto_aviso_ndx on gasto (aviso);
create index gasto_tecnico_ndx on gasto (técnico);
create index gasto_concepto_ndx on gasto (concepto);
create index gasto_fecha_ndx on gasto (fecha);
create index gasto_hora_ndx on gasto (hora);

create function gasto_cambiar_caja() returns opaque as '
        if NEW.a_caja and NEW.importe is not null then
            insert into movimiento_caja(importe,fecha,empleado) values (
                - NEW.importe,
        end if;
        return null;
' language 'plpgsql';

create trigger gasto_cambiar_caja after insert on gasto
    for each row execute procedure gasto_cambiar_caja();


 Database has more tables (obviously), but I supose it is enought with

 When I try next query:

     # update gasto SET importe = round(importe,2);

 I get error:

     ERROR:  <unnamed> referential integrity violation - key
    referenced from gasto not found in aviso

 I supose this error means that there is a reference in field "aviso"
 of table "gasto" to inexistent "número" from "aviso" (data was
 imported with copy from other database).

 If it is so, then inserting data again in table "gasto" with inserts
 instead of copy sould fix situation, revoking inserts that woldn't
 comply with referential integrity rules.

 I have do it so:

     pg_dump -a -d -f foo.sql -t gasto database

 and after truncate data:

     psql database -f foo.sql

 Then, when I try my query again, I get same error. Have you any idea
 of actual problem? Where am I wrong in my asumptions?.

 Thanks in advance.


Re: Referential integrity violation

Stephan Szabo
On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 bombadil@wanadoo.es wrote:

>  Database has more tables (obviously), but I supose it is enought with
>  these.
>  When I try next query:
>      # update gasto SET importe = round(importe,2);
>  I get error:
>      ERROR:  <unnamed> referential integrity violation - key
>     referenced from gasto not found in aviso
>  I supose this error means that there is a reference in field "aviso"
>  of table "gasto" to inexistent "n�mero" from "aviso" (data was
>  imported with copy from other database).
>  If it is so, then inserting data again in table "gasto" with inserts
>  instead of copy sould fix situation, revoking inserts that woldn't
>  comply with referential integrity rules.
>  I have do it so:
>      pg_dump -a -d -f foo.sql -t gasto database
>  and after truncate data:
>      psql database -f foo.sql
>  Then, when I try my query again, I get same error. Have you any idea
>  of actual problem? Where am I wrong in my asumptions?.

Can you distill an example case with test data (or real data if it's not
something that needs to be secured)?  I see you're using inheritance
in your layout and I know that has some issues if you're referencing to
something that is inherited, but I'm not sure what's going on precisely.

Re: Referential integrity violation

El miércoles 13 de marzo, Stephan Szabo escribió:
> >  Then, when I try my query again, I get same error. Have you any idea
> >  of actual problem? Where am I wrong in my asumptions?.
> Can you distill an example case with test data (or real data if it's not
> something that needs to be secured)?  I see you're using inheritance
> in your layout and I know that has some issues if you're referencing to
> something that is inherited, but I'm not sure what's going on precisely.

 Tables have many rows and I don't know where is problem. Error message
 is not explicit about that. Only says "Referential integrity

 Any sugestion?...

