Обсуждение: Re: vacuum causes pg_xlog directory to grow until out of disk space.


Re: vacuum causes pg_xlog directory to grow until out of disk space.

dave_rolland@yahoo.com (Dave Rolland)
It appears that PostgreSQL 7.1.3 addresses this problem.


dave_rolland@yahoo.com (Dave Rolland) wrote in message news:<b4a7dcba.0203120954.49dbab1e@posting.google.com>...
> I'm running PostgreSQL 7.1.2 on Solaris 8. The box is an Ultra 60 with
> 1GB of RAM. The database is on it's own 11GB partition which is
> currently 93% full. I've since moved the pg_xlog directory to a
> seperate 11GB partition.
> We have one table which accounts for 90% of the database size. In
> trying to vacuum this table, the pg_xlog directory reaches 100%
> (starting from less than 1%).
> In reading posts to this news group I've come across one suggestion
> which talks about increasing the CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT and
> CHECKPOINT_SEGMENTS size. I will try that shortly.
> Does PostgreSQL 7.2 address this problem? Any other suggestions?
> Obviously, throwing more disk space at this would work but I currently
> don't have that option.
> Thanks,
> Dave