Обсуждение: Rules on update behavior unexplained ... --> inheritance problem (I believe)


Rules on update behavior unexplained ... --> inheritance problem (I believe)

I defined on my database the following :
-- This table is really useless as such
-- *************************************
CREATE TABLE historification ( pkh SERIAL,
                -- This will be the moment the record is "archived"
                               dateend TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);

-- Here is a basic address table
CREATE TABLE addresses ( pk SERIAL,
                         street CHAR(50) NOT NULL,
                         street2 CHAR(50),
                         zip CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
                         city CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
                         Country CHAR(2) REFERENCES COUNTRIES,
                         datemodified TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);

-- Here is the PostgreSQL historification
CREATE TABLE AddressHistorics ()
       INHERITS (historification, addresses);

CREATE RULE update_address AS
    ON UPDATE TO addresses
        INSERT INTO AddressHistorics (pk, street, street2, zip, city,
country, datemodified)
            VALUES (old.pk, old.street, old.street2, old.zip, old.city,
old.country, old.datemodified);

CREATE RULE delete_address AS
    ON DELETE TO Addresses
        INSERT INTO AddressHistorics (pk, street, street2, zip, city,
country, datemodified)
            VALUES (old.pk, old.street, old.street2, old.zip, old.city,
old.country, old.datemodified);

Now what ever I do on the addresses table the data are not altered but
duplicated & the dupicate seem to be modified !
Hence I have doubles of each rows in my table when I do an update.
My conclusion is that the current behavior of
is similar to the
as explained in the books ...
The question is HOW CAN make my Postgres 7.1 behave has it should ?



Thomas SMETS
rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
1050 Bruxelles
yahoo-id : smetsthomas

After looking for ages into the paper versions I had & finally posted teh
question ... right before I found this

Sorry for the post !


Thomas SMETS
rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
1050 Bruxelles
yahoo-id : smetsthomas
----- Original Message -----
From: <tsmets@brutele.be>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: 27 March, 2002 11:39 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] Rules on update behavior unexplained ... --> inheritance
problem (I believe)

> <snip>
> I defined on my database the following :
> -- This table is really useless as such
> -- *************************************
> CREATE TABLE historification ( pkh SERIAL,
>                 -- This will be the moment the record is "archived"
>                                dateend TIMESTAMP DEFAULT
> -- Here is a basic address table
> CREATE TABLE addresses ( pk SERIAL,
>                          street CHAR(50) NOT NULL,
>                          street2 CHAR(50),
>                          zip CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
>                          city CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
>                          Country CHAR(2) REFERENCES COUNTRIES,
>                          datemodified TIMESTAMP DEFAULT
> -- Here is the PostgreSQL historification
> CREATE TABLE AddressHistorics ()
>        INHERITS (historification, addresses);
> CREATE RULE update_address AS
>     ON UPDATE TO addresses
>     DO
>         INSERT INTO AddressHistorics (pk, street, street2, zip, city,
> country, datemodified)
>             VALUES (old.pk, old.street, old.street2, old.zip, old.city,
> old.country, old.datemodified);
> CREATE RULE delete_address AS
>     ON DELETE TO Addresses
>     DO
>         INSERT INTO AddressHistorics (pk, street, street2, zip, city,
> country, datemodified)
>             VALUES (old.pk, old.street, old.street2, old.zip, old.city,
> old.country, old.datemodified);
> </snip>
> Now what ever I do on the addresses table the data are not altered but
> duplicated & the dupicate seem to be modified !
> Hence I have doubles of each rows in my table when I do an update.
> My conclusion is that the current behavior of
> is similar to the
> as explained in the books ...
> The question is HOW CAN make my Postgres 7.1 behave has it should ?
> tx,
> thomas,
> --
> Thomas SMETS
> rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
> 1050 Bruxelles
> yahoo-id : smetsthomas
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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