Обсуждение: User-Defined Datatypes


User-Defined Datatypes

Philip Reimer


Is it possible to create new structured datatypes in PostgreSQL like in this IBM UDB2 statement:


create type person_t as (

name varchar(30),

car car_t)


create type car_t as (

model varchar(30),

plate carchar(20))


create table car of car_t

create table person of person_t


where the table person contains a reference to the car-type in table car?

In the reference manuel I only found the create-table-statement, which automatically creates a new data-typ corresponding to the table. But is it possible to implement the above model including the reference by making only create-table-statements?

Thanks for a quick answer.

Philip Reimer

Re: User-Defined Datatypes

Gunther Schadow
Philip Reimer wrote:

> Hello.
> Is it possible to create new structured datatypes in PostgreSQL like in
> this IBM UDB2 statement:

Hehe, absolutely. AFAIK, Postgres was the first database system
to implement such a feature. IBM got that, I think, through Illustra
via Informix, and guess what Illustra is based on? Postgres of course :-)

See CREATE TYPE for more detail.


Gunther Schadow, M.D., Ph.D.                    gschadow@regenstrief.org
Medical Information Scientist      Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
Adjunct Assistant Professor        Indiana University School of Medicine
tel:1(317)630-7960                         http://aurora.regenstrief.org

Re: User-Defined Datatypes

Tom Lane
Philip Reimer <phre@wi.uni-muenster.de> writes:
> Is it possible to create new structured datatypes in PostgreSQL like in this
> IBM UDB2 statement:

> create type person_t as (
> name varchar(30),
> car car_t)

> create type car_t as (
> model varchar(30),
> plate carchar(20))

> create table car of car_t
> create table person of person_t

We don't support that syntax, but you can achieve approximately the same
effect using inheritance:

    create table person_t ( ... );

    create table person () inherits(person_t);

Very often, the parent table of an inheritance relationship isn't
intended to ever actually contain any rows itself.  In that case the
parent is effectively serving as a datatype, or at least you could
think of it that way.

            regards, tom lane

Re: User-Defined Datatypes

Gunther Schadow
Philip Reimer wrote:

> Hello.
> Is it possible to create new structured datatypes in PostgreSQL like in
> this IBM UDB2 statement:

oops, now I'm confused. Was that feature taken out when Postgres

became PostgreSQL? CREATE TYPE speaks only of opaque/scalar types.
I think in PostgreSQL you could use any table as a type name and
the type of a column was then automatically converted into a
foreign key kind of thing. For the sake of portability, I would
actually always prefer that unless the RDBMS provides a feature
to cluster/inline optimize these type tables for the physical
storage. But then, a good RDBMs should have the logical model
independent from physical storage model anyway, but anbout noone
seems to care and everyone continues to bloat the SQL language
with features that should in fact be options of the RDBMS physical
storage manager to (auto-) configure.

So, I guess the answer is no for PostgreSQL. I remember that even
in old Postgres I couldn't actually insert composite data very


Gunther Schadow, M.D., Ph.D.                    gschadow@regenstrief.org
Medical Information Scientist      Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
Adjunct Assistant Professor        Indiana University School of Medicine
tel:1(317)630-7960                         http://aurora.regenstrief.org

Re: User-Defined Datatypes

Illustra (rip) did support create type in this way.
It is a sad failing for postgreSQL that it does not
enable creation of composite types and inherited
types (other than tables).  The ability to store a
row (or rows!) in a column was a useful and valuable

You can of course create your own datatype in C
in postgreSQL but you must contain each subreference
with accessor functions.

There doesn't seem to be an emphasis on the ability
of postgreSQL to create a more full featured type system.
I would use a function that created tuples in a second.
The ability to subtype existing base data types made
creating uniquely sorted or manipulated types very easy.

I do however understand the underlying reasons why postgreSQL
has not gone the way illustra did in this way.  Technically,
some of it is tricky (but possible!) and because of slow adoption
only us die-hard OR people really used the capabilities.

PostgreSQL seems to be turning away from its OR roots into
more of a transactional db system.  I, for one, use postgreSQL
because it is an ORDBMS so this is sad.  With the gobbling
of illustra-informix-ibm, extensibility is an asset that can and should
stand out with the database community.

       and not or

(PS: I can write functional specs if someone wants to implement
any of an extended type system :-)

At 03:04 PM 4/15/2002 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>Philip Reimer <phre@wi.uni-muenster.de> writes:
> > Is it possible to create new structured datatypes in PostgreSQL like in
> this
> > IBM UDB2 statement:
> > create type person_t as (
> > name varchar(30),
> > car car_t)
> > create type car_t as (
> > model varchar(30),
> > plate carchar(20))
> > create table car of car_t
> > create table person of person_t
>We don't support that syntax, but you can achieve approximately the same
>effect using inheritance:
>         create table person_t ( ... );
>         create table person () inherits(person_t);
>Very often, the parent table of an inheritance relationship isn't
>intended to ever actually contain any rows itself.  In that case the
>parent is effectively serving as a datatype, or at least you could
>think of it that way.
>                         regards, tom lane
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster