Обсуждение: Re: PERL DBI and Novell Netware


Re: PERL DBI and Novell Netware


I'm not familiar with Novell, but if a perl script on a Novell box can connect
to Oracle via DBI, than it can connect to PostgreSQL just as easily. You'll want
to use the perl modules DBI and DBD::Pg. Also make sure that Postgresql is set
up to listen for requests via TCP/IP. Shouldn't be any harder than that.


Jeff Post <postjeff%uwm.edu@interlock.lexmark.com> on 04/17/2002 06:35:34 PM

To:   pgsql-general%postgresql.org@interlock.lexmark.com
cc:    (bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  [GENERAL] PERL DBI and Novell Netware

Hello all,
   I am in the investigation phase of a potential project that would
automaticly update a novell Netware server's user accounts with information
stored on PostgreSQL Database running on a linux box through a perl script.

Currently Netware has support for
? Database Independent Interface (DBI)
? NetWare Data Object (NDO) UCX Component
? Remote ActiveX Provider and ADO Component on Windows machine

Through DBI, Netware can remotely connect to Oracle on NetWare or MS-Access,
SQL Server and Oracle, all on Windows

  Is anybody out there familure enough with dbi and Novell to be able to tell
me how I can get a perl script running on Netware to connect to a
PostgreSQL/Linux box.

Or if it is way to complicated / know one knows.  Please send an e-mail to
Enhancements@novell.com to ask that they add PostgreSQL support to Netware.

Jeff Post

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