Обсуждение: Lindows.com vote: I need your support


Lindows.com vote: I need your support

Justin Clift
Hi guys,

Is anyone here a fan of my Flash animations for OpenOffice.org,
PostgreSQL, etc?

i.e. the "Introduction to OpenOffice.org", "PostgreSQL Sequences",
"Referential Integrity", and "First Steps with Writer" animations (thus

And the PostgreSQL "Technical Documentation" website which has been
another labour of love for since Feb 2001.

Well, I need your support.  I'm applying for government funding at the
moment but that's going to take 8 weeks (and a little bit more it looks
like) and I'm running out of cash *fast* meanwhile.  Will definitely be
broke before then (and *really* not looking forward to it).

If everyone who has the inclination could please nominate/vote-for/etc
me on the Lindows "Clicky Awards" form then that would be great, as it
means I can keep working on this stuff full-time.


And no, I don't normally ask, but right now its kind of important.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
   - Indira Gandhi

Re: [Marketing] Lindows.com vote: I need your support

"Josh Berkus"

> Is anyone here a fan of my Flash animations for OpenOffice.org,
> PostgreSQL, etc?
> i.e. the "Introduction to OpenOffice.org", "PostgreSQL Sequences",
> "Referential Integrity", and "First Steps with Writer" animations
> (thus
> far).

Of course I'm one of your fans.   However, you need to provide more
instructions on how to vote for you: what category do we use?   What's
the name of your applications?   The voting form is not at all clear.

-Josh Berkus