Обсуждение: Re: Postgres and Perl: Which DBI module?


Re: Postgres and Perl: Which DBI module?

Al Arduengo
I simply used the CGI module. I am sure there are more sophisticated
methods but just using CGI and then standard Perl routines to create a
query string based on the input is easy. Use the print instruction to
output html header info required and then the last thing to do in
the script is simply:

psql -H -c "$string_i_created" -d mydb

Voilla! Nice pretty table.


jgdon <REMOVEjgdon@ureach.comREMOVE> writes:

> hello,
> I just managed to get a simple database running with postgresql.
> Now I would like to write some CGI scripts in perl that will be able
> to use it.
> What perl module should I use for this?
> I have found something called DBI ... and found examples for CSV
> databases ... but I am curious what module I should use for postgres
> ...
> Is there a DBI::Postgres module like DBI::CSV ?
> Cheers,
> Jim

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an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a
minute. That's relativity."  -Albert Einstein