Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] PGXLOG variable worthwhile?


Re: [HACKERS] PGXLOG variable worthwhile?

"Shridhar Daithankar"
On 17 Sep 2002 at 9:48, Dave Page wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Shridhar Daithankar
> > [mailto:shridhar_daithankar@persistent.co.in]
> > Sent: 17 September 2002 09:30
> > To: Pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> > Cc: Pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> > Subject: Re: [HACKERS] PGXLOG variable worthwhile?
> >
> >
> > On 17 Sep 2002 at 16:11, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> >
> > But I disagree. History says that nobody can compete with
> > microsoft on
> > microsoft platform. Postgres will not be competing with
> > either SQL Server or
> > access. It would remain as toy database..
> Like Oracle?

Oracle is a different story. It's has money but still from what I see around,
oracle on windows is nowhere in league of oracle on unix..

> Maybe, but it's pretty much there now. The beta Win32 native port has
> been performing excellently in the tests I've been able to throw at it,
> certainly better than the Cygwin port.

That's a real good news..

> The thing I wouldn't bet on is not the quality of the code produced by
> the developers here, but Windows. Yes, it runs great here at the moment,

Exactly my thoughts. Problems with windows are more troublesome because nobody
can do a thing about it..

> and has done for a while now but there's no guarantee that a new release
> won't have a nasty bug. But that applies to the SQL user as well though.
> Or for that matter the user of *any* other OS...

OK. Very fine. The issue remains two folds..hope I stay with facts

1)Postgres native port on windows will not be same as standard PG CVS head
because it has come later. This phase lag may cause some troubles, technically
and/or on expectations from users side.

2)Most importantly, if postgres native ports needs some windows specific
tweaking, standard PG wouldn't be able to accommodate it being a unix tree now.
I think Tom and others does not want this situation, which is very correct.

2) is more important here. Either we have branches in postgres with most code
common if possible or some makefile hackery if large part of code is not

I would say 7.4 may be a good candidate for merge(Or is it already done.
Haven't checked out CVS lately..) The native windows stuff will be out of it's
beta by then as well..



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