Обсуждение: SELECT statements converted to SELECT FOR UPDATE


SELECT statements converted to SELECT FOR UPDATE

rmischook@yahoo.com (Richard Mischook)
We've got some deadlock issues that we're trying to solve. In looking
at the logs we note a bunch of statements that were written as SELECT
being listed by PG as SELECT FOR UPDATE. Was wondering what leads to
that (foreign keys, transactions). We are using JDBC and are not tried
setting the transaction isolation level of the connection.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Re: SELECT statements converted to SELECT FOR UPDATE

Stephan Szabo
On 22 Oct 2002, Richard Mischook wrote:

> We've got some deadlock issues that we're trying to solve. In looking
> at the logs we note a bunch of statements that were written as SELECT
> being listed by PG as SELECT FOR UPDATE. Was wondering what leads to
> that (foreign keys, transactions). We are using JDBC and are not tried
> setting the transaction isolation level of the connection.

Probably foreign keys as they use SELECT FOR UPDATE to handle the locking.