Обсуждение: Windows Installation HELP!


Windows Installation HELP!

"Brice Mason"

I am trying to install PostgreSQL 7.1.3 on a Windows 2000 machine. So far, I
have done the following:

1.) Installed cygwin on F:\cygwin
2.) Downloaded cygipc-1.11-1.tar.bz2 to F:\cygwin.
3.) Ran tar -C / -xjf cygipc-1.11-1.tar.bz2 which went fine.
4.) Started cygipc using the command "ipc-daemon &" which went fine.
5.) Downloaded postgresql-7.1.3.tar.gz into /usr/local/src which was copied
from the CD included in the O'Reilly book "Practical PostgreSQL".
6.) Ran tar -xzvf postgresql-7.1.3.tar.gz which went through fine and
created the postgresql-7.1.3 folder and its contents.
7.) Now, I change to the newly created postgresql-7.1.3 folder and try to
run "./configure" and it fails with the following from the "config" log file
created in postgresql folder:

cannot find -lcygipc

What is the problem?

I have:

1.) Verified the version of gcc by running "gcc --version" which is 3.2
2.) Verify that the ipc-daemon is running using "ps" before I try

What am I missing? Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated. I know
this is a common problem. I have researched similar errors but they don't
seem to work. Thanks in advance,

Brice Mason

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