Обсуждение: Re: Problems with Now()?


Re: Problems with Now()?

Jan Branbergen

i am responding to a thread back in august. someone discussed his problems
with the changed Now() precision. this issue has come on my plate with a
7.1.3. to 7.2.3 upgrade.

i encountered the same problem, and although there are work-around (
replacing def-vals from now() to current_timpestamp(3) ), in my opinion,
there continues to be a problem with Access/ODBC ( don't know which one...
i think Access ):

although my timestamp field got assigned a precision of 6 below seconds (
through def-val now() ), access ( or ODBC driver ) tries to match to the
record with only 3 below seconds, and hence will not find the record.

this is a PINTA, since because of this i can not update these records from
Access anymore ( it is comparing '2002-11-04 16:03:27.123467' to
'2002-11-04 16:03:27.123' ).

not a big problem for me, but i think you guys should know, and the original
thread was not clear in pointing out the real problem IMHO.


Jan ( sorry for the brackets )