Обсуждение: Good Job and Kudos to the Postgres Team


Good Job and Kudos to the Postgres Team

Corey Gibbs
Good Afternoon Everyone,

I just upgraded to 7.2.3 after seeing the bright red warning letters on the
web page about the version I was using, and I must say good job to the
PostgreSQL team.

Here are the stats from the upgrade
Total time from start to finish not counting download time: 25 minutes.
Number of problems: 0 (after I copied over my old pg_ident and pg_hba files
Number of happy "computer guys": 1 :)
Number of users who knew we were upgrading: 0

Now true, the total size of my DB so far is just under 750,000 rows total
and my pg_dumpall file was just under 50megs, but still I wish all upgrade
processes were this painless.

Once again, please keep up the good work.

Corey W. Gibbs
Westmark Products, Inc.