Обсуждение: Doing sth. like oracles "connect by"


Doing sth. like oracles "connect by"

"Harald Armin Massa"
What is the most effective and elegant way to substitute the connect by
clause from oracle in postgresql?

Explanation of connect by:

with "connect by" in oracle it is possible to formulate queries returning
whole hierarchies.



ID     IdOfChef    Name           PositionLevel
1            2            Karlchen          2
2            3            Melanie            3
3            4            Katja                4
4            5            Simon               5
5          NULL      Miriam              6

select * from TablePersonal start with id=1 connect by prev.idofchef=id
where PositionLevel < 6

selects the total hierarchie above karlchen ... up to Simon.

select * from TablePersonal start with id=3 connect by prev.id=idofchef

gets Katja and all her downlinks  (Katja, Melanie, Karlchen)

the ideas I can think are:
a) join with a a limited number of hierarchie-levels and perform well.
b) program a function "is_downlink_of(id1, id2) returns boolean"  - and
check this function for every row in the table
c) (the same as c but with "is_uplink_of(id1,id2)")

Who has an idea which does not have the high processing costs of b and c and
not the limitation of a)

Thanks for your thinking


Re: Doing sth. like oracles "connect by"

Joe Conway
Harald Armin Massa wrote:
> What is the most effective and elegant way to substitute the connect by
> clause from oracle in postgresql?
> Explanation of connect by:
> with "connect by" in oracle it is possible to formulate queries returning
> whole hierarchies.

If you can try 7.3 (finishing beta, soon to be released), see
contrib/tablefunc for a function called connectby(). There is also a different
approach to the problem in contrib/ltree.

If you cannot use 7.3, there have been past discussions wrt implementing tree
structure -- search the mail archives. I *think* contrib/ltree might be
available backported to 7.2 -- yeah, from the README:

   "(version for 7.2 version is available from

