Обсуждение: Re: [pgsql-general] Daily Digest V1 #2701


Re: [pgsql-general] Daily Digest V1 #2701

Christoph Dalitz
> Markus Wagner wrote:
> >we developed some software using the C-library for pg 7.1.3 and distributed it
> >to users who are using pg 7.2.x. There was a problem when the program tried
> >to open 'template1' in order to execute a 'CREATE DATABASE'-statement. The
> >database 'template1' could not be opened. After installing pg 7.3.1 it
> >worked.
> >
> >We are wondering what may have changed in the new version, and if there will
> >be some stability in the future, so that our software may be used with
> >different pg versions.
> >
Could you be more precise what the problem is?

We are using the client libraries from 7.2 with a PG server 7.1 and it works

So I guess your problem is that you *dynamically* link with the client library
7.1 and the user has the shared client library 7.2.
If that actually is your problem there are two simple solutions:
link statically or ship the shared library 7.1 with the application.
The latter solution does not solve the libc insanity on Linux though.

Christoph Dalitz