Обсуждение: Calculated fileds in pg


Calculated fileds in pg

Jean-Christian Imbeault
Is it possible to set up a field during table creation to be a
"calculated" field, i.e. the value is calculated from other values.

For example:

Table A:

id   integer primary key,
B_id integer references B(id),
cost integer default 0

Table B:

id    integer primary key,
total integer -- select sum(cost) from A where B_id=id;

If not should I be looking at implementing this with a view or maybe a



Re: Calculated fileds in pg

Stephan Szabo
On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

> Is it possible to set up a field during table creation to be a
> "calculated" field, i.e. the value is calculated from other values.
> For example:
> Table A:
> id   integer primary key,
> B_id integer references B(id),
> cost integer default 0
> Table B:
> id    integer primary key,
> total integer -- select sum(cost) from A where B_id=id;
> If not should I be looking at implementing this with a view or maybe a
> trigger?

I'd probably do B as a view if it was this simple, because writing the
triggers for A sound to be problematic from a getting the concurrency
right without potential deadlocks standpoint.

Re: Calculated fileds in pg

Jean-Christian Imbeault
Stephan Szabo wrote:
>>Table A:
>>id   integer primary key,
>>B_id integer references B(id),
>>cost integer default 0
>>Table B:
>>id    integer primary key,
>>total integer -- select sum(cost) from A where B_id=id;
> I'd probably do B as a view if it was this simple, because writing the
> triggers for A sound to be problematic from a getting the concurrency
> right without potential deadlocks standpoint.

The tables are not *that* simple. Both have about 15 columns, *but*
there is just the one calculated column *and* it is as in the example,
just the sum of matching rows in the other table.

Here are the actual table schemas, would you still recommend a view? (I
know nothing about views so this would be my first attempt at them). And
you are right about the triggers being a problem for concurrency. I have
implemented the above as a trigger on every insert/update to Table B and
it is slow *and* I want to add other triggers but the concurrency aspect
  is a little problematic.


Re: Calculated fileds in pg

Jean-Christian Imbeault
Oops, forgot to post the schemas:

create table INVOICES (

id                      serial          primary key,
member_id               integer         references MEMBERS(id),
submit_time             timestamp (0) without time zone default
customer_charged        boolean         not null default false,
order_filled            boolean         not null default false,
double_checked          boolean         not null default false,
cancelled               boolean         not null default false,
cancel_time             timestamp (0)   ,
payment_returned        boolean         default false,
payment_type            integer         references payment_types(id),
member_comment          text            ,
addressee               text            ,
planned_pay_date        date            ,
payment_rcvd_date       date            ,
shipping_addr           text            not null,
contents_dsc            text            ,
req_del_date1           date            ,
req_del_date2           date            ,
req_del_date3           date            ,
req_del_time1           integer         references DEL_TIMES(id),
req_del_time2           integer         references DEL_TIMES(id),
req_del_time3           integer         references DEL_TIMES(id),
escalation_level        int2            not null default 0,
cc_name                 text            ,
cc_number               text            ,
cc_exp_date             date            ,
cc_holder_name          text            ,
payment_rcvd            boolean         default false,
total_price             integer         , -- this is the sum(price) of
matching columns in invoice_li
shipping_fee            integer         ,
delivery_method         integer         references DEL_METHODS(id),
admin_shipping_memo     integer         references ADMIN_SHIPPING_MEMOS(id)


create table INVOICE_LI (

invoice_id              integer         references INVOICES(id) on
delete cascade,
prod_id                 text            references PRODUCTS(id),
dist_id                 integer         references distributors(id),
shop_id                 integer         references CHARISMA_SHOPS(id)
default NULL,
quantity                int2            not null,
old_qty                 int2            default 0,
price                   integer         not null,
shipped                 boolean         not null default false,
date_shipped            timestamp (0)   ,
dist_invoice            integer         references DIST_ORDERS(id)
default NULL,
item_status             integer         references DIST_ITEM_STATUS,
received                boolean         default false,
ship_now                boolean         default false,
exp_rcvd_date           timestamp (0)   ,
cancelled               boolean         default false,
cancel_time             timestamp (0)   ,
credited                integer         default 0,
need_to_credit          integer         default 0,

primary key (invoice_id, prod_id)

Re: Calculated fileds in pg

Stephan Szabo
On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

> Stephan Szabo wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>Table A:
> >>
> >>id   integer primary key,
> >>B_id integer references B(id),
> >>cost integer default 0
> >>
> >>Table B:
> >>
> >>id    integer primary key,
> >>total integer -- select sum(cost) from A where B_id=id;
> >
> > I'd probably do B as a view if it was this simple, because writing the
> > triggers for A sound to be problematic from a getting the concurrency
> > right without potential deadlocks standpoint.
> The tables are not *that* simple. Both have about 15 columns, *but*
> there is just the one calculated column *and* it is as in the example,
> just the sum of matching rows in the other table.
> Here are the actual table schemas, would you still recommend a view? (I

One question is how often do you actually look for INVOICES.total_price in
comparison to modifications to INVOICES.id and INVOICE_LI?  If you tend
not to do lots of modifications but do alot of selects, then you probably
would want to consider a trigger solution.  Otherwise, a base table and an
INVOICES view that adds the field seems reasonable.  If you do lots of
selects on INVOICES but often don't need total_price then you can choose
whether to use the view or the base table depending on whether you care
about total_price or not.

> know nothing about views so this would be my first attempt at them). And
> you are right about the triggers being a problem for concurrency. I have
> implemented the above as a trigger on every insert/update to Table B and
> it is slow *and* I want to add other triggers but the concurrency aspect
>   is a little problematic.

It's fundamentally the same problem as foreign keys (except slightly
worse) in that updates to the cost of an line item row, an update of
which invoice it's associated with, an update of the id of an invoice, the
insertion or deletion of a line item all potentially make updates to an
invoice row and grab locks that might cause deadlock (although the
likelihood of a deadlocking pattern may be low) or at the very least you
might end up with serialization of concurrent transactions.