Обсуждение: trouble dropping type + some feature request


trouble dropping type + some feature request

Hello All I am a long time user and with a wishful thinking I attempted create a pl/pgsql function with return type "record". Now I can now longer drop that data type even after I drop the function. Here is what I get if I do \dT .. snipped . . polygon | geometric polygon '(pt1,...)' real | single-precision floating point number, 4-byte storage record | refcursor | reference cursor (portal name) regproc | registered procedure . . ---- Now if I drop it as as a database owner I get permission denied --- what=> drop type record; ERROR: RemoveType: type 'record': permission denied what=> --- So I change myself to superuser and try to drop --- what=# drop type record; ERROR: RemoveType: type '_record' does not exist what=# --- But I can still see that data type if I do \dT as superuser. The problem I have now is that whenever I do a pg_dump I get "owner of data type record appear to be invalid" What else can I do? 3 features request. 1. Is there any support in the future for returning data type "record" from a pl/pgsql function? I would like to call a function and get a nice rows of data. Currently I am joining lots of data with separator, returning varchar and then parsing it at my front end. 2. When I do pg_dumpall C functions don't end up in the dump. Is it possible to dump and restore everything including C functions? 3. Is it possible at all in the future to do major upgrade without having to do initdb? Is there any serious reasons why initdb is required to do a major upgrade? My pg server has to be up 24x7 and I don't see any way to do initdb without stopping the server. Thanks for such a great product. k.w.

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